An Evidence-Based Assessment of the Source of the SARS-CoV-2 Injections Scam: FINAL PART
British Government in the frame for helping Big Pharma execute the SARS-CoV2 injections scam
The Final Conclusion
[If you have not been following the previous six posts, links are listed at the end, for your convenience].
The Ministerial Industry Strategy Group (MISG)
If you live in the UK, or even if you don’t, did you know there had been a high-level meeting between UK Government Ministers and Global Big Pharma companies running, at least once a year, from 2001 to 2015?
This is screenshot of the inaugural meeting:
These are the Minutes:
You may not have time to click into the minutes (although they speak volumes), so I’m going to share some of the more telling bits. This is the Big Pharma opening:
“Welcome and Introductions
Tom McKillop (CEO, AstraZeneca) welcomed everybody to the first meeting of the Ministerial Industry Strategy Group. He said that the Pharmaceutical Industry Competitiveness Task Force (PICTF) had been a very successful exercise for both government and industry, and it was important to keep the momentum going. He pointed out that as well as the MISG, there was an Industry Strategy Group (ISG) which brought together senior officials from government and industry on a quarterly basis.”
Are you wondering why the CEO of a pharmaceutical company is Chair of such a high level government meeting? I did too when I first found these minutes when investigating what had gone on with SARS-CoV-2 injections. It didn’t take too long to work it out. The then Labour UK Government wanted to get a foot onto the pharmaceutical ladder to bring prosperity to Britain, and Kudos to itself.
Fast-forward to 2014, and we find the MISG has been re-branded as ‘Bio-Pharmaceutical’ only (with more than a hint of ‘genetics’ creeping in):
This time, Government is at the top, instead of industry…
…and it’s a heavyweight team of ministers on the case, eh? Rubbing shoulders with Big Pharma and its trade associations in no small measure.
Then there are two Guests - one of which is Ian McCubbin, who I met at GSK House in Brentford in 2012. It wasn’t a successful meeting in terms of me getting supply chain management consultancy work with GSK, but he did agree to buy four copies of my Wiley book for some of his staff…
…little did I know he was to become the the supply chain guy on the Vaccine Task Force working under Sir Richard Sykes. Today, he is also a Sir, and non-executive chair of the Cell & Gene Therapy Catapult based in Stevenage.
[Note: all of this is in the archives for paid subscribers with a deeper interest]
The following year was the final meeting, June 2015. Three names stand out. Pascal Soriot, Patrick Vallance, and Dr Ian Hudson.
The first two names will be familiar to you. The now Sir Pascal Soriot, CEO, AstraZeneca, and Sir and Lord, no less, Patrick Vallance. Need I say more?
The third is Dr Ian Hudson, CEO, MHRA, who later went to work for the Bill & Melanda Gates Foundation in 2019 - just in time for COVID!
These are the meeting minutes:
Attendees are listed as follows:
George Freeman MP Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Life Sciences, DH and BIS
Pascal Soriot CEO, AstraZeneca (Co-chair)
Steve Bates CEO, BioIndustry Association (BIA)
Alison Clough Acting CEO, ABPI
Gary Hendler Senior Vice President & Global Corporate Officer Eisai Co Ltd
John Kearney President of ABPI (General Manager UK & Ireland, Amgen)
Jean-Christophe Tellier CEO, UCB
Patrick Vallance President, Pharmaceuticals R&D, GSK
John Young Group President Global Established Pharma Business, Pfizer Inc
Rachel Cashman Head of Clinical & Scientific Policy & Strategy, Medical Directorate, NHSE
Will Cavendish Director General for Innovation, Growth & Technology, Department of Health
Professor Dame Sally C Davies Chief Medical Officer and Chief Scientific Officer, Department of Health
Andrew Dillon Chief Executive, NICE
Dr Ian Hudson Chief Executive, MHRA
Tim Kelsey National Director for Patients & Information NHS England
Dr Nicole Mather Director, Office for Life Sciences
Ruth McKernan CEO, Innovate UK
Jonathan Mogford Director of Policy, MHRA
Professor Sir Mike Rawlins Chair, MHRA
Government, with just one attendee, seems a bit outnumbered by industry, but what an array of the great and the good in UK health, science and regulation!
Now, the apologies in the minutes are probably the most interesting piece, as it reveals who else has been in on the meetings in more latter years, as follows:
Professor Sir John Bell Chair of OSCHR
Sir John Chisholm Chair, Genomics England
Sir Malcolm Grant, Chair, NHS England
Rt Hon Jeremy Hunt MP Secretary of State, Department of Health
Rt Hon Sajid Javid MP Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills
Jo Johnson MP Minister of State for Universities and Science, BIS
Professor Sir Bruce Keogh National Medical Director, NHS England
Ian McCubbin Senior Vice President NA, Japan and Global Pharma, GSK
Haruo Naito CEO, Eisai Co Ltd
Lord O’Neill Commercial Secretary, HM Treasury
Fleming Ornskov CEO, Shire
Professor Sir Mike Rawlins Chair, MHRA
Professor Sir John Savill CEO, Medical Research Council
Nick Seddon Prime Minister’s Office, No. 10
Stephen Whitehead Chief Executive, ABPI
Returning to the original hypothesis
This is the hypothesis we began with in PART 1:
“The SARS-CoV-2 injections scam was perpetrated by Big Pharma companies such as Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Novartis, GSK, Sanofi et al, working in collaboration with its contract development and manufacturing organisations (CDMOs) and contract research organisations (CROs).
Part of the collaboration was to agree shortcuts in drug development, manufacture and distribution, that led to significant harm, including death, for some (innocent) people receiving the injections.”
Not only am I claiming that this hypothesis has been proven in the previous posts, but there is also a deeply concerning twist in the tale that emerged along the way, for me personally and professionally. This is the twist 👇👇👇
I was unknowingly and unwittingly part of what became to SARS-CoV-2 injections scam.
It’s a long story, and I haven’t been able to articulate it properly to those with the power to act, because it has been so difficult to cut through the ‘noise.’ Also, there’s the ‘controlled opposition’ in the US. But, here goes, anyway:
When my first book for Wiley, Supply Chain Management in the Drug Industry: Delivering Patient Value for Pharmaceuticals and Biologics, published in 2011, I became regarded as a visionary and thought leader in the industry. Along with that, I was vocally very active, especially on LinkedIn (10,000+ pharma connections) exposing the terrible impact of outsourcing all physical activities in drug development and manufacture to CDMOs and CROs. They kicked me off LinkedIn in the end. However, that’s another story.
In 2013, UK Government, via the Office for Life Sciences, asked me to consult to a gene therapy company, Oxford BioMedica, on the manufacturing supply chain for Novartis’ Kymriah (See FDA package insert and side effects) and this below:
You won’t see my name on there, but I spent 6 months working with them on putting the bid together and recruiting Cranfield University and ther Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust onto the project.
Also on the project was UKs Cell & Gene Therapy Catapult. We worked independently of each other. Its mission was to grow gene modified cell therapy (CAR T) in the UK, beginning with this project. Their interest was in growing themselves, rather than the manufacturing supply chain!
After the UK grant was awarded, c. end 2013, I was involved in a high-level Government meeting to discuss the future of medicines in the UK. GSK was represented by Roger Connor who later moved on to become President, GSK vaccines. During the meeting, I offered a few ‘helpful’ comments on some of their ideas and was shot down in flames.
At the end of it, they decided to set up the Medicines Manufacturing Industry Partnership (MMIP):
“The Medicines Manufacturing Industry Partnership (MMIP) represents the voice of medicines manufacturers in the UK. It was established jointly by the government and the biopharmaceutical industry in 2014 to ensure that the UK is recognised by the global medicines industry as a world-class advanced centre for medicines manufacturing.”
The MMIP has been operating ever since, while linking up with the cell & gene therapy catapult:
Anyway, back to the plot. That meeting was the first and last time I was involved in UK Government policy wrt to medicines manufacturing in the UK.
Fast-forward to 2020, and there was Oxford BioMedica developing and producing the adenovirus vector for AstraZeneca jabs! MHRA was approving a brand new OXBOX set of manufacturing facilities at breakneck speed without ever visiting the site:
Oxford Biomedica receives MHRA approval for the first two manufacturing suites in Oxbox
It was obvious they had driven a coach and horses through GDMP, and not in a small way! Also, the rolling review licencing process was fraudulent, as it missed out completely the chemistry, manufacturing & controls (CMC) aspects of drug safety (supply chain).
Ever since, I have been building an evidence base with my INSIDE PHARMA Substack, which is now free until people know what has gone on. Alison Wright has a brilliant Substack, exposing fraud everywhere you look, including the Chair of GSK, Sir Jonathan Symonds CBE.
Hope this has not been too long, only you need to know this to understand the whole SARS-CoV-2 scam is a 100% pharmaceutical industry project because big pharma companies were going down the pan in a big way, as their last chance saloon CAR T, gene modified cell therapies using CRISPR, proved to be a damp squid…
Previous posts below:
An Evidence-Based Assessment of the Source of the SARS-CoV-2 Injections Scam: PART 1
A program aimed at getting to the bottom of the Who, What, Where, When, and the Why, of the SARS-CoV-2 injections scam
An Evidence-Based Assessment of the Source of the SARS-CoV-2 Injections Scam: PART 1, Addendum
Adding Novartis to the list
An Evidence-Based Assessment of the Source of the SARS-CoV-2 Injections Scam: PART 2
Adding Glaxo, Dominic Cummings and Sir Richard Sykes to the mix
An Evidence-Based Assessment of the Source of the SARS-CoV-2 Injections Scam: PART 3
Contract Development and Manufacturing Organisations (CDMOs) Collude with Big Pharma Companies
An Evidence-Based Assessment of the Source of the SARS-CoV-2 Injections Scam: PART 4
The Many Business Interests of Moncef Slaoui, of Operation Warp Speed & GSK Fame
An Evidence-Based Assessment of the Source of the SARS-CoV-2 Injections Scam: PART 5
UKs Vaccine Task Force to Supply the World with SARS-CoV-2 Jabs...
There are many of us that didnt take the COVID vaccines. I certainly could see what was going on . You will find that the large uptick in cancers heart attacks neurological problems strokes shingles flues myocarditis pericarditis are all the fault of there latest vaccines. The evidence is clear. All MPs bar one are guilty of genocide as well as big pharma. Myself I would march on parliament. Burn it down. Hang Hancock wickie and every politician and media chief. Including NHS chiefs.
It seems abundantly clear that the U.S. military was quite involved.