David slayed Goliath with a 34 meters-per-second stone—get yours here
Goliath was a giant, covered from head to toe in armour, tooled up to the hilt.
David was diddy (little, for our non-UK friends). He was a lowly shepherd, without a scrap of armour, and only a sling and stone to defend himself.
How on earth did David slay Goliath? Such an apparent total mis-match…
…or so it seemed—but looks can be deceiving.
The quote below from Malcolm Gladwell's excellent book, David and Goliath, explains:
"Goliath had as much chance against David, (the historian Robert Dohrenwend writes), "as any Bronze Age warrior with a sword would have had against an [opponent] armed with a .45 automatic pistol"
David was in fact a highly-skilled slinger. In his experienced hands, and quoting from the same book, we learn:
“Eitan Hirsch, a ballistics expert with the Israeli Defense Forces, recently did a series of calculations showing that a typical-size stone hurled by an expert slinger at a distance of 35-meters would have hit Goliath’s head with a velocity of 34 meters-per-second—more than enough to penetrate his skull and render him unconscious or dead…in little more than one-second.”
Well there’s a thing!!!
Gladwell's book goes on to unearth an enlightening fact about Goliath. Aside from all the heavy armour and weaponry weighing him down, medical experts believed he had a serious health problem—acromegaly—a benign tumor on his pituitary gland.
The condition severely affects sight and can cause double vision. Several aspects of Goliath’s behaviour suggests he was seeing double.
So, what’s all this got to do with Big Pharma, I hear you think?
Big pharma is equally suffering from a debilitating medical condition—Delusional Disorder. Big Pharma disconnected itself from the real world of physical activities involved in bringing drugs to market, in favour of lucky wins and power marketing. The condition arose over four decades ago.
So, what was behind it?
In the early 1980s, the top pharmaceutical companies (Big Pharma) began casting off their assets, including:
Manufacturing facilities, making the people working in them redundant.
Distribution warehouses, making the people working in them redundant.
Testing laboratories, making the people working in them redundant.
Clinical trials units, making the people working in them redundant.
Products that patients were dependent on (once the patent ran out).
Early stage drug development, for small companies to take the risks.
Today, Big Pharma companies merely patent molecular compounds, hand them over to third party contractors, and market the bones out of the paltry few that are approved for sale.
The industry now presents with symptoms of social anxiety, confusion, and delusional episodes that lead to strange, unexplained behaviours…
…and while on the subject of Bill Gates, he’s at the root of all the evil.
This self-inflicted addiction to easy money earned in the good-old-days, has left investors really unhappy with any whiff of diminishing returns. With so few new, better drugs getting to market due to the above, desperation has stepped.
Who would have thought the world would need annual, multiple doses of gene therapy products, administered by injection, for the foreseeable future?
Me neither.
The message is this. INSIDE PHARMA’s purpose is to transition subscribers on from critical thinking to becoming slingers with the skills and understanding necessary to fight Big Pharma and win.
We are getting there, me thinks—how about you?
I'll take 3 please.
Tremendous Essay! Keep building those "mRNA factories" you bio-warriors!
Once they collapse, you can sit around and jab each other. Karma's a bitch.
Toss me a stone Hedley. Got my sling-shot here!