Ex-Novarits global head of development working for #GatesFoundationCrooks for 10+ years
Novartis leads the world in gene modified cell therapy! First published November 27, 2022
Trevor Mundel, President, Global Health, BMGF
Trevor Mundel, President, Global Health at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has been employed by the #BillGatesFoundationCrooks for 11 years.
Here is Mundel speaking at the John Hopkins University March 2014:
Trevor Mundel: Global Health Needs Innovation
Quotes from the article:
“Mundel alluded to a new malaria eradication strategy by the Gates Foundation that addresses the vast asymptomatic reservoir of people. Mass drug administration will be key, he said, enormously difficult though that will be given the breadth of the malaria epidemic. “We need all your keen insights in order to make this fly,” he added.
Mundel also highlighted the Gates Foundation’s other focus areas, including neglected infectious diseases, enteric and diarrheal diseases, pneumonia and, of course, polio.”
“Mundel described the Gates Foundation’s relationship with Hopkins as “broad and deep.” In terms of grants—not only those from a purely technical academic research perspective, but also very practical applied work in the field—Johns Hopkins ranks as the No. 1 institution the Gates Foundation works with, he said.”
As subscribers, you will be aware of the role John Hopkins played in the global scaremongering campaign.
Here we have Mundel speaking more recently:
Developing COVID-19 therapeutics: An investment that needs to happen
One of the questions posed is:
“Have there been public-private initiatives like COVID-19 Therapeutics Accelerator before?”
The lies spill out as they do for every question he answers (here by omission):
“Yes, there are comparable examples going back to the Second World War. Pharmas worked with governments to accelerate the identification and development of antibiotics based on Alexander Fleming’s initial discoveries from the late 1920s. This collaboration played a critical role in saving the lives of wounded soldiers.”
He missed out the fact that it took 15 years to bring penicillin to market, and Fleming was just one party in the effort, read more here:
Quote: “The paper explains that while Alexander Fleming discovered strong evidence that a mould he found in a culture dish on return from holiday was killing bacteria, he lacked the skillset to isolate the active ingredient within the mould.
It took over ten years before a team at Oxford University, headed up by Howard Florey, was able to isolate the active ingredient…”
…Read the official story from Bob Gaynes:
The Discovery of Penicillin—New Insights After More Than 75 Years of Clinical Use
This is Mundel using the myth that Big Pharma has propagated to make people believe medicines can be developed and manufactured “by accident” - eg 9 months.
Finally, this speaks to Novartis’ approved gene therapy product, given the thumbs up from FDA August 2017. Read the shocking truth here:
Quote - this is the warning on the Label:
Cytokine release syndrome (CRS), including fatal or life-threatening reactions, occurred in patients receiving KYMRIAH. Do not administer KYMRIAH to patients with active infection or inflammatory disorders. Treat severe or life-threatening CRS with tocilizumab, or tocilizumab and corticosteroids
Neurological toxicities, which may be severe or life-threatening, can occur following treatment with KYMRIAH, including concurrently with CRS. Monitor for neurological events after treatment with KYMRIAH. Provide supportive care as needed
KYMRIAH is available only through a restricted program under a Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy (REMS) called the KYMRIAH REMS”
The viral vector is manufactured by the same company that manufacturers the AstraZeneca/Oxford University jab, Oxford Biomedica, think on…
…check out:
Thanks again for pointing out commercial manufacturers, not military, produced the C19 injections! That’s interesting to hear that Oxford Biomedica is the commercial manufacturer for AstraZeneca. Your previous posts also covered Lonza and Catalent producing the C19 vaccines for Moderna. It’s apparent from their websites they are also commercial. I was under the impression for the longest time the military manufactured the C19 injections. I wonder why there is so much confusion? Maybe folks are conflating the military’s role in the distribution of the initial rollout 4 years ago? It would be easy to confuse the two if one is not an industry insider.
Just out of curiosity, who manufactures the Pfizer C19 injections? Does Pfizer still carry out some of their own manufacturing in house? My last question concerns 483s. My understanding from your posts, 483s are forms the FDA uses to write up manufacturing deficiencies when there is an issue with GMP or good manufacturing. The Catalent 483s were written up in the US. Does FDA have the ability to inspect outside the US and carry out their duties and write up 483s overseas? If a manufacture does not respond to 483s, as in the situation with Catalent/Moderna, is there an escalation process the FDA can implement?
Do you have any historical examples of FDA using their authority over a commercial manufacturer for not resolving 483s. Just trying to understand the process. I really appreciate everything you’ve shared as it clears up several pieces of the puzzle.
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