Hedley joins Truth for Health Foundation Team, courtesy Dr Mike Yeadon
It's all coming out now!
At the kind invitation of Dr Mike Yeadon
Subscribers may remember, around a month ago Dr Mike invited myself and the indominable Sasha Latypova to join the Truth for Health Team. This is the original post on it:
Hedley is collaborating with the Truth for Health Foundation on its Whistleblower Report
You can find the first Whistleblower Report here:
FDA’s Catastrophic Safety and Quality Oversight Failures on COVID Vaccines
There is more to come, of course. This is one that includes Sasha:
Deadly Dangerous COVID Shots Skyrocket on Healthcare Workers
This Sunday, the Team will be recording a new episode, out the following week—keep an eagle eye peeled!
About the Truth for Health Foundation
You can find out more on the wonderful work the foundation is doing, and those working tirelessly to return sanity to our world, on the link below:
President and Chief Executive Officer is Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet, MD
Chief Medical Advisor is Dr. Peter McCullough, MD, PhD, FACC, FAHA, FASN, FNKF, FNLA, FC…