Self-incriminating evidence from former head of vaccine task force (VTF) and head of MHRA
Delivered in a light-hearted, self-congratulatory tone
The Somerville video recording
Below you will see a video recorded at Somerville College Oxford. It is a remarkable account of the workings of the Vaccine Task Force (VTF) that was set up to help the UK fight the SARS-Cov-2 outbreak. It is in the public domain (YouTube), so I am not giving away any secrets here. All I am going to do is to provide an account of what I thought I had heard, and provide honest, expert feedback.
You do not have to watch the video, as I will cover the main points, but it helps if you do watch, to get a flavour of the ‘light-hearted’ tone of the delivery. You may also detect a healthy dose of self-congratulation all-round.