The inside story on DNA 'vaccine' supply chains—Part 1
J K Rowling would have difficulty making it up...
What’s this about?
Yesterday’s newsletter finished:
“Over the next 5 - 7 days, I’ll be digging into more [on BioNTech supply chains] and also the other companies in the SARS-CoV-2 ‘vaccine’ fraudulent development, manufacturing and distribution supply chains.
It really is gob smacking (excuse technical terminology) to realise they thought to get away with this—Mother Nature has laid down her laws that can never be short cut.
Her retribution will follow as sure as night follows day—she fixed that too :O).
I’m not abandoning free subscribers, of course, but the upcoming 5 - 7 days from tomorrow will be for paid subscribers only. If you want to help me keep going, and learn a ton of what’s been going on in the ‘vaccine’ supply chains”:
If you have not run your eyes over this, it’s worth doing it now, if you’ve time: