What did Hedley say to Dr Reiner Fuellmich, the International Crime Investigative Committee and Karen Kingston?
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[Note: Coming soon, Hedley interviews legends The Bernician and Johnny Vedmore, how cool is that?]
Dr Reiner Fuellmich restarts with the International Crime Investigative Committee (ICIC)
Dr Reiner Fuellmich contacted me last week to ask if I would be up for being interviewed by his International Crime Investigative Committee. I’d been interviewed by the previous Corona Committee: Dr. Hedley Rees | Session 111: Reconstellation.
I’m not party to the reasons why this new Committee was formed, but the ICIC website has this to say:
“After having accompanied the Corona Committee since the beginning of the Covid 19 pandemic, which then continued without my involvement for well-known reasons, it was important to me not only to continue the previous efforts, but rather to expand and deepen them.”
Always ready to share my views gathered during my 40 years INSIDE PHARMA, on I went.
Dr Fuellmich asked if it could be a joint interview with Karen Kingston, which I happily agreed to.
What did we talk about?
We both had a chance to explain to the Committee our perspectives on C19 and related factors, such as the US PREP Act.
It’s a ridiculous Act, but somehow it had been passed. Folks fighting the poison jabs have been racking their brains as to how to get around it, with little success. The DoD military involvement has also muddied the waters over the pond (no pun intended :>)).
Karen is an expert in all that and there was nothing I could add to her inside knowledge. My contribution focussed on what can be done in countries not hamstrung by the PREP Act.
Didn’t pull any punches
Punches were not pulled in the things said. These are links to some of the topics covered:
The duplicate, illegitimate regulatory body
The International Coalition of Medicines Regulatory Authorities (ICMRA) set up by former MHRA CEO Ian Hudson, now Hudson, Senior Advisor, Integrated Development, the 1st ICMRA Chair. The ICMRA has been used to hollow out the official regulatory agenies around the world.
BMGF leading the charge