Jun 14Liked by Hedley Rees

I understand why you would caution diving headlong into the 'its all about depopulation' rabbit hole but recently Dr. Francis Boyle, the Harvard law professor who drafted the 1989 Biological Weapons and Antiterrorism Act said in an affidavit for a Florida court case 'COVID 19 injections’, ‘COVID 19 nanoparticle injections’, and ‘mRNA nanoparticle injections’ are biological weapons and weapons of mass destruction and violate Biological Weapons 18 USC § 175; Weapons and Firearms § 790.166 Fla. Stat. (2023)

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Thanks for the comment Patricia, and I understand the thinking behind your question. I suppose the thing to say is that if anyone believes that the injections are not pharmaceutical products in the US, then that's it. My mouth is shut. I might say this is not the same in the EU and UK. they are most definitely classed as pharmaceutical products under the heading "Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products": https://www.ema.europa.eu/en/human-regulatory-overview/advanced-therapy-medicinal-products-overview - In the US they are known as Cellular & Gene Therapy Products: https://www.fda.gov/vaccines-blood-biologics/cellular-gene-therapy-products I'm sure Dr. Francis Boyle is an emminent lawyer and I would not challenge what he is saying. However, with 40 years working in biophamraceutical supply chains globally, what they are called is less of a priority for me - not sure if that makes sense?

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Jun 14·edited Jun 14Liked by Hedley Rees

Yes it does make perfect sense and I feel the same way. I don't care what you call them - they are not safe but what is concerning IMO is people jumping on details which they may not understand and drawing potentially erroneous conclusions eg 'It's a bio weapon therefore this is evidence they want to kill us' with no ifs, buts or maybes.

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Absolutely spot on Patricia! At the moment, there are so many self proclaimed experts in the burning building shouting fire, fire , that the noise is deafening - who do you listen to? I'm hoping more will begin listening to me, and I feel it is beginning to happen, bit by bit...the other option is to listen to the noise inside the burning building, believing there is no hope for us! It does not have to be that way.

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Jun 14Liked by Hedley Rees

I hope more people listen to you as well. I remember some years ago hearing Jordan Peterson say never presume a conspiracy if incompetance will suffice or words to that effect and I do try to always apply that advice for myself. There is a pyschological reward for thinking 'that's it I have worked everything out' but IMO in that arrogance itself reason dies.

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well Patricia - the FOIA I have sent to US FDA is going to give me a lot of ammunition. me thinks. This is the acknowledgement letter: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/6pzvn6mwnuj6krdff9nlm/FOI_Acknowledgement-Letter_1.PDF?rlkey=0kp3j5ltyryj354lrx4pivpkz&dl=0 The department helping me get access to information on FDA inspections of manufacturing facilities is: "Manufacturers Assistance and Technical Training Branch, Division of Manufacturers Assistance and Training, Office of Communication, Outreach and Development Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, U.S. Food and Drug Administration."

I've started with Wyeth BioPharma Division of Wyeth Pharmaceuticals. They made the drug substance (mRNA) for BNT162b2 which was rushed out under the EUA. No doubt at all this this was going to harm people. It wasn't even partially developed before they shipped it out. There was no military involvement, of course. Stay tuned for more!

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Jun 14Liked by Hedley Rees

I will stay tuned.

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Jun 15Liked by Hedley Rees

Thought you might be interested to hear this week that Health Freedom

Defense Fund just won their appeal in the 9th circuit court challenging LA Unified School districts Covid vaccine mandate. The 9th circuit court recognized the shots as treatments and not vaccines. David Martin analyzes the 9th circuit courts decision on Odysee. Martin says this is a RICO violation between DOD, NIH and pharma. He sees the relationship somewhat differently. I have been listening to both sides as they both sound plausible.

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Agree with David Martin in part Alison. It is rackeering between Bill & melinda Gates Foundation (Trevor Mundel and Ian Hudson); Jeremy Farrar; Fauci; Pfizer; Novartis; GSK; Lonza; Catalent Pharma Solutions; Oxford BioMedica (AstraZeneca drug manufacturer) and a host of other universities and companies making big bucks out of it.

NIH you could say is involved by shutting up the good people at FDA and DOD was probably running interference too. However, the development, manufacture and distribution of the covid injections was carried out by the companies listed above. I have the evidence...:O)

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Jun 17Liked by Hedley Rees

Thanks for the additional information and what I meant to say regarding Martin is he also believes you can sue pharma. Hope your audience continues to grow in the US. I now recall where I first heard you interviewed and it was on UK Column. Maybe it’s worth connecting with Leslie Manokian (spelling??) Freedom Health Defense Fund. If these jabs are reclassified as medical treatments that should open up additional avenues for lawsuits.

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Thanks Alison! This may be the interview you watched: https://www.ukcolumn.org/video/from-molecule-to-man-the-lifecycle-of-an-mhra-medicine - I must have done 100+ interviews across UK/EU/US - still at it :O). Thanks for your comment Alison, always welcome...

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I see what you are saying Hedley but don't they have automobile recalls for faulty parts and investigations into aircraft failure that kills hundreds of people not thousands or millions. This makes us question the motive.

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You are so right to question what I'm saying Elephant (can I call you that?). The difference is that the information you need to continue your critical thinking has been hidden away. This is what you need to know. If there were military involvement, it would have been minimal. Pharmaceutical contract manufactures produced the mRNA drug substance and drug product - Lonza, (Switzerland) Catalent Pharma Solutions (Bloomington), Rentschler (Germany) and a number of others. Some are in the hands of private equity, others are commercial corporations. The distribution was done by companies like UPS Healthcare, and their Freezer Farms. Also, these injections have a much great potential for harm, given they go inside your body straight from the supply chain. The thawing and other manipulation in the vaccination centres was guaranteed to create wide variation on drug potentecy and also contamination of what should be a sterile product. Anyway Elephant, thanks for giving me the opportunity to respond and question me further if you like :) Hedley

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I would call them weapons, because they were designed and patented through the DOD. Does the DOD make defective products or does it make weapons? The faux vaccines are an elegant poison that took decades to produce and patent The real dying: the cancers, the progressive myocarditis, the organ failure, the prion brain diseases...they take two years to begin to show up. It has yet to be proved if anyone can live after an mRNA vaccination for 10 years. No one ever has. It has yet to be proved if all the female children of all the vaccinated women in the world will be sterile or not. At this point, we have no valid conception of the extent of the damage from these weapons. We only know that millions are suffering from the poison, and people are dropping dead and getting turbo cancer all around us, and many of us have become caregivers for seizure victims and people in cognitive decline. There is a noticeable physical and mental decline in public places. Go to the grocery store and see how many people are barely making it. We got attacked with bioweapons. That's what happened. Let's start with this premise and see where it takes us.

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Weapons or defective products, it was/is weaponized.

I would never allow myself or child to be so affliced. I was immediatly repelled by this vax, not sure why, but glad i was.

As always, your posts are illuminating. Thank you.

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