A noble effort! Most impressive paper trail....Thank you so much.

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Thanks Diana. It's going to be attritional, I think, as there is a lot at stake if/when they get found out. Stay tuned :O)

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Jun 21Liked by Hedley Rees

Thank you. Your rattling their cage! Great letters.


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You are always so kind Dee :O)

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I’ll keep going until the cage door opens and the truth flies out Dee!

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Jun 24Liked by Hedley Rees

Hi Hedley, hopefully you will see this: https://www.biopharmadive.com/news/peter-marks-fda-sarepta-disagree-rift-elevidys-review/719480/ - - Seems your Dr Peter Marks has a trail of overriding staff suggestions and approving what appears as dangerous products. What type of education is needed? as it appears this guy is blind to mRNA and gene therapy dangers. (sorry, not your member, on too many substacks already...you know the issue.)

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Hi Sherman - thanks for the great comment! Education is required to stem the lie that drugs are developed by accident. That allowed Bourla et al to seduce the world's population into believing these mRNA drugs can be cranked out in months. People didn't shout NO, THEY HAVE TO BUILD A SUPPLY CHAIN FIRST, AND THAT TAKES YEARS!!! Any thoughts on that Sherman?

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Pfizer's first mRNA patent was for a vaxxn for dogs and pigs, filed in 1990. They had a problem with this product as the animals died.

In 2021, a Pfizer whistle-blower from quality control dept in their large McPherson KS US facility said boxes of components were shipped in with Chinese writing on them. Reportedly, all they did at the plant was combine, mix, fill, and label vials. She said there was little they could check, as it was mostly out of their purview. Steve Kirsch interviewed this woman over a year ago, someone re-posted another interview on X recently.

My take? This is plug-and-play manufacturing?

Many dots still need to be connected.

Appears no matter what Peter Marks says, he has either been bought-off, or thinks he is doing "the right thing", has stars in his eyes, blinded for being a hero (a different form of brainwashing.)

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