Jul 9Liked by Hedley Rees

Hear hear! I don’t know anyone else but you who can raise the awareness of any/all pharmaceuticals manufacturing/chain.

I feel it is a critical component that hardly anyone thinks about and can help awaken people to the complexities and issues.

The beauty being it doesn’t even have to involve talking about the covid modRNA products which makes so many switch off at the first word. Thank you!

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Thanks Eva! We shall overcome :O)

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The stark reality and facts behind the evolutionary downfall of responsible discovery and development in modern day medicine is evident in your reviews and writings. The industry, the care providers and the patients together need to first acknowledge your unbiased and critical findings. The solutions lie within your narrations. Over the past century a combination of irresponsible outsourcing of operations in the pharma industry alongside reduced participation and engagement of practicing care providers has resulted in a disintegrated and failing healthcare system. The regulatory authorities blindly amended guidances and guidelines to meet industry demands (return on investment only). Willfully disowning the role of care providers and the outcome in patients. Resulting in more harm, than benefits.

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Excellent summary of the last four decades of the blockbuster era. Thank you so much Kannan. They have, i think and hope, shot themselves in the proverbial foot, with this last evil act born of greed and avarice!!! Great comment Kannan...:O)

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