Killing off the elderly is beneficial as pensions don't need to be paid to 'useless eaters'...coined by kiss my ass...kissinger I believe. Keeping the rest of humanity dumbed down, entertained and sick is profitable of course...Big Food helps Big Pharma by ensuring malnourished obese customers with life long chronic illnesses...a perfect threesome with Big Tech. We support them whole heartedly of course... without us...they would have to close shop!

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My intuition tells me they are after my Soul. They want too severe my connection with my soul. A body that is not connected with its Soul is basically a sack of Shit waiting for the Light to nurture it. Love is the conduit to Light the Soul. Hate is the conduit to the darkening of the Soul. The hate and darkness they pour upon us constantly does not darken the Love and Light that I have for me and you.

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A really big thank you Hedley for evolving and choosing to make a stand.

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