
Great comments all. Seems depopulation or both is the predominant opinion.

What do you think of these points made by the person asking the questions in the email thread:

As a quick exercise, there many events lining up to fuel this situation over 20 years but I believe it was more economically motivated than by mass eugenic policy:

• Investor pressure – As Hedley described, for Pharma companies to deliver on high valuations by maintaining high metric multiples (Return on Equity and Return on Assets). They shifted R&D assets/functions off the balance sheet by outsourcing drug development and production, as described.

• Dry Run - SARS1 panic in 2003- I remember the scientific community jumped up opportunistically afterwards and claimed a better defence should be organised.

• Hollywood films and public fascination: Outbreak (1995), Virus (1999), 28 Days Later (2002), I Am Legend (2007), Contagion (2011), World War Z (2013), Pandemic (2016)… In World War Z, and outbreak is intentionally started by a pharmaceutical company for profit. The vaccine was developed for the Virus and aimed to make significant profits by selling it to the desperate survivors.

• Anti-Virus Software Fraud – This would have seemed obvious to anyone with a vague understanding of racketeering. Antivirus company Sophos in the late 1980s - researcher created a virus as a proof-of-concept to demonstrate their antivirus software. The Virus was not intended to spread and was used solely for testing and demonstration.

• Drug Approval Process - Long lead times from discovery, pre-clinical toxicology, human testing, etc and high regulatory standards of clinical trials for drug approval.

• Gene Technology - The invention of mRNA and CRISPR gene editing technology and immunology.

Does this fit with anyth9ing you know or think?

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There was a document release that indicated that DoD/DAARPA was the developer of the vaks and they contracted with Pfizer and Moderna as distributors, not the other way around. If so, then profit could not have been the driving force and the ROI/R&D comment is off the mark. The earlier SARS (and MERS)/Bird Flu panics of 10 & 20 years ago equally support either theory, econ or depop. Hollywood has been co-opted by the CIA/DAARPA and again the comment would serve both agendas. Not sure how anti-virus software fits this convo? Drug approval process - the shot was created and manufactured en masse years ago. It was physically and logistically impossible to have 1st contact w/ the virus Dec 2019, crack the genetic code, develop the vaks, begin the 1st Pfizer trial on May 4, 2020, and then deliver billions of doses for distribution by Dec. 2020 thru 2021. Everything was a worldwide lie. The entire world apparatus would not have mobilized this intricate interconnected massive lie with all its moving parts to manage, just for more profits for BigPharma. That is inconceivable! It was clearly done with a much bigger goal in mind.

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Yes. Absolutely demonic extermination of the human race along with all living things created by Yahweh. In an attempt to create their own depraved satanic upside down copy of His Creation. Praying for all of the innocent 🙏🙏🙏

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Excellent comment.

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If you could lay your hands on a link to the DoD/DAARPA/vaks document and share it here I'd be really interested to see it. Also, if you notice any proof of connection between the UK "MoD's Defence Evaluation and Research Agency", which was privatised as QinetiQ Group plc, and DAARPA, I'd be interested to receive it.

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Feb 12Liked by Hedley Rees

Sorry for the late reply. I did not come back to this thread for a month. This video from Katherine Watt of Bailiwick News Substack gives a good concise overview of the DoD involvement. https://rumble.com/v29c022-katherine-watt-exposes-us-bio-weapon-marketed-as-covid-vaccine-and-the-lega.html. She and Sashya Latypova are the ones who have released the documents that DoD actually commissioned Pfizer and Moderna as distributors and not the other way around. Here is another video that goes into more depth about the military being at the top of the chain. https://rumble.com/v28t4g0-military-countermeasures-with-sasha-latypova-and-katherine-watt-msom-ep.-67.html. Here are their Substacks and somewhere on their pages are the actual documents that show the military developed the vaccines. https://sashalatypova.substack.com/ and https://bailiwicknews.substack.com/.

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Thanks for that Alex - do we therefore conclude that none of the big pharma companies and its contrators were part of this? and "the military developed the vaccines" Or have I got that wrong?

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Feb 14Liked by Hedley Rees

My conclusion is that BigPharma is definitely part of it, just that the military/CIA/DAARPA are the operational head of the snake - a snake raised and released by the globalist communists hell bent on controlling the world.

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What about Lonza, Alex?:


This is a quote from the exiting Lonza CEO in April 2021: “Since we began working with Moderna in May 2020, its mRNA vaccine has proved to be pivotal in controlling the COVID-19 pandemic. We have commenced and ramped up operations in our four existing production lines at an unprecedented rate and scale. Our new agreement with Moderna will double our drug substance manufacturing capacity in Visp (CH), at this time of urgent global demand. We are proud of our work with Moderna, and we are looking forward to expanding the partnership in the coming months.”

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USA are the 4th on the list for the patents involved, that'll pay well

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I ma not sure I understand the logic of the last few sentences.

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Jan 10Liked by Hedley Rees

I feel the elite of the world have accumulated the wealth of the world and they think they get to decide how it is run. They make their moves in stealth and throw money at the useful idiots that will do anything for money. The fact that there is a fake climate agenda to limit CO2 and to stop farmers from growing food should be evidence enough that they want to exterminate us, by making food scarce.

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Its no necessary t evidence enough of extermination. Historically famine is used to change behaviour. Like to submit to the climate hoax or obey fearfully as a general proposition.

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Jan 10·edited Jan 10Liked by Hedley Rees

It's about depopulation because literally everything is about depopulation.

The push for euthanasia (or the Liverpool care pathway if you're in the UK), the push for abortion up until the delivery date (demanded by literally no one), the promotion of trans ideology (resulting in sterility). That time that a Tetanus vaccine given in Kenya was found to be laced with an 'antifertility drug' https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12346214/

Plus of course 'The Good Club' of billionaires who want to save the world from various problems such as overpopulation https://www.theguardian.com/world/2009/may/31/new-york-billionaire-philanthropists

Then there's the Day Tapes, which can be found in this stack here: https://sagehana.substack.com/p/the-rockefeller-commission-report

But it's also about theft of hard assets.

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The Day tapes reinforced my long held view that it’s always been about depop, or rather, genocidal crimes against humanity for the purposes of mass casualties. Throughout history. For shits and giggles as well as “noble” causes. It’s the raison d’etre of dominance hierarchies, pathocracies and totalitarian megalomaniacs: keep as many of the masses as weak, sick, scared as possible. We’re wired to kill, and some will kill spectacularly given the means. Wars; famines; mass poisoning of food, air and water; contraception; abortion; sterilisation; debauching and dumbing down the culture;; economic collapse; psychogenic stress; iatrogenesis / medical murder (3rd leading cause of death in the west)...

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I agree.

I tend to think the billionaires see us ordinary folk as a dirty teeming mass. I suspect they fear and hate us.

I also suspect they are annoyed that they cannot enjoy the splendors Venice without crowds of us lot spoiling it for them. Wandering about in our tasteless chainstore clothes.

So yes, i think they have decided they would prefer to get rid of our housing estates and have forests and wolves instead.

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Well said, you’re quite informed, good to hear from people who are awake.

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Jan 10Liked by Hedley Rees

Personally I think both, depop and wealth transfer but I also think both give them means to control us more than ever before, the surveillance brought in has not been scaled back but has instead remained and now with the added 'bonus' of the push to the CDBC .

Frightened, stressed, poor, ill and hungry people are easier to herd for any purpose and the less people there are makes that all the more easier too.

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Yes ... people should read/watch 'The Great Taking' (thegreattaking.com - both free) and read Judge Melvin Stamper's book 'Fruit from a Poisonous Tree' ...


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Saw the documentary, a must read/watch

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With you here, it's both plus many more things beside.

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Fabulous comments here - thanks so much! It will take a while to read them, but I'll be back soon - feel free to keep comments coming :O)

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Jan 10Liked by Hedley Rees

Multiple agendas all going on at the same time :depopulation, the collapse of Europe and USA ethnically and financial,wealth transfer up the food chain,CBDC ,5G ,smart cities ,digital ID ,matrix etc etc the building of the digital slave ship for those that are left👍

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Plus, "Mass movement of peoples, ethics-free innovation, increasing range of DNA and mRNA products, bioengineering, re-wilding and hunting, and a catapulted space "adventure"" is what my systems engineer (SE) colleague, Per, told me.

I knew his brother, as they worked together, and he described Per as "the lead psychopath". Charles Mackay's comment (below in comments) "a morally bankrupt genocidal demagogue" fits the situation: Per said to me (on a camping trip in the Kalahari desert, just before he departed) that people might say that about him.

Per gave his argument as "In the interests of science, innovation and increasing the potential for new knowledge, we are constrained by the peace, stability and ethics of the current paradigm. If we shake it up, innovation can jump ahead."

I worked with Per for about a year. "Per" was one of many pseudonyms that he operates under. I wouldn't mind betting a bottle of red wine that Per is also known as Klaus Schwab, as well as a number of "seemingly" well-known characters. Mainly because that's what his brother said about him. "Per's an excellent actor". "Who?" I asked and groaned, because I rarely watch films or pay attention to actors. "You'll know him, he plays several actors to be precise." "Huh?" I queried. "He has created separate identities, as different actors, so he can get lots of roles and maximise his earnings. His appetite for money is insatiable. He's also a workaholic slave master. He wants to control what everyone sees and hears. One actor, you are bound to know him as, is Sir Patrick Stewart".

Per was an overweight, affable chap, "resting, on doctors order", in the role in which I encountered him. I liked him, until the above mentioned conversations. His brother said "Per was "resting" in preparation for a performance of a lifetime". Which is, I have grounds to suspect, what we are currently witnessing.

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Jan 10Liked by Hedley Rees

I'm still undecided as to whether there is a depopulation agenda behind the medical intervention or not, but there are a lot of questions that need answering.

Why in the history of novel medical interventions were the Covid vaccines allowed to continue, (although, AZT might run this one close) with untold attributed deaths when the Pandemrix vaccine was withdrawn after 28 deaths?

Why was there so much coercion involved and all other alternatives actively suppressed?

Why was an over-cycled PCR test used to bump up "cases", as opposed to actual illness?

Why were the elderly, in care homes given end of life treatment, using Midazolam/DiMorphine/Remdesivir and ventilators?

Why were children, with an almost zero risk of dying from "Covid" even considered for vaccination?

I have more questions than answers, these are but a few, but it certainly looks like a more sinister agenda afoot.

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Jan 10Liked by Hedley Rees

They killed the elderly and everyone else by protocol to nudge everyone else to the genetic therapies.

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Jan 12Liked by Hedley Rees

Only fools would think gene therapies could ever be a panacea for all ailments. The human body and its biology is too complex for their defective understanding. Only a morally bankrupt genocidal demagogue would conceive that such tools should be used in a sociopathic depopulation agenda. So who then gets to live? Talentless apparatchiks who make money from money? I’ve never heard of an edible nutritious currency. The people who grow food and do useful things will survive and avaricious dregs will die as they will be unable to fend for themselves in dystopian world where they neither have use nor value.

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Great comment Charles, as ever :O)

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100%! If you don't have truly useful skills kike growing your own food then I wish you good luck!

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Jan 17Liked by Hedley Rees

I hunt and fish,

I won't starve,

Bring it on.

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Jan 10Liked by Hedley Rees


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I can see that the vast majority favor depopulation as the preferred explanation of the plandemic. There's fine of course, because we are all trying to piece together the facts when they are being kept away from us. I'm fortunate in a sense because of my 40 years Inside Pharma. I know facts that you could be aware of, so I'll share a few here, after saying. The assumptioin of evil globalsts with a depopulation agenda leaves us with nowhere to go. No actions to take. What if we knew the ones cooked up the jabs and they were not the DOD//BARDA/US military. Would you be willing to consider the prospect? What if the UK Government is behind it, to make the UK 'great again'? Check this out: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/uk-and-world-economic-forum-to-lead-regulation-revolution-to-foster-industries-of-the-future - Then read this article from UK Column: https://www.ukcolumn.org/article/how-bill-gates-hijacked-a-failing-pharma-system-and-smashed-it-a-tale-of-incompetence - would really appreciate some feedback if you have time to read :O).

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Feb 7Liked by Hedley Rees

Absolutely true. That's why (I suspect) pharma is letting the conspiracy theorists shoot themselves in the foot. It's how they discredit Yeadon & many others. I vote for one doctor's comment, "It's not a conspiracy, it's the pharmaceutical industry business as usual."

PWC wrote in its Pharma2020 series "By 2020, then, there may well be a single regulatory regime covering all healthcare products. Indeed, there may even be a single global system...".

Ah, yes. The WHO.

"The industry will have to work much harder for its dollars, collaborate with healthcare payers and providers, and improve patient compliance." It goes on to say the past business model was failing, i.e. trying to find a blockbuster drug that gets approved and that does not get too many lawsuits. What better than a mandated useless vaccine with no liability for the drug companies? Wrecking economies and maybe increasing incremental deaths indiscriminately were just side effects of no particular value.

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That will be Jo Pisani, me thinks: https://www.lifearc.org/people/jo-pisani/ She spent a career at PwC trying to baffle the world with mad science, all the while being in big pharma pockets....remember on the vaccine too, Jane, it is cell-modified gene therapy that FDA has just said is likely carcinogenic: https://www.biospace.com/article/fda-sets-adcomm-for-bms-j-and-j-car-t-therapies-amid-class-wide-concerns/ You seem to know a lot - more to share? H.

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Who you can identify are most likely not the ones behind the madness they are simply the gophers. evil is real.

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Jan 10Liked by Hedley Rees

the largest selling Women's magazine in the USA (and probably the UK) recently published a huge article on How to do SATANIC ABORTION RITUALS. This is true .Check it out. And many large cities in the world , including Birmingham hare devil wroship stautes in them Birmingham has BAAL.

SO it is really only a small bit about huge money.It is about de population ans even more about de- humnaisation . OF making us part AI and not longer human.It is a fight between the forces of evil and good. We are the battle ground and it is not going to be fun. They want not only endless vaccines but endless war . They are not human as we know it.

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The reasons for what is going on are as varied as the individuals involved. There is no one explanation. Some are in it for money. Some for power. Some are serving Satan. Many actually think they are helping. The good news is that the corrupt ones will stab each other in the back first chance they get. Truth and love and freedom will always win in the end. Could get uglier for a while...

I call these people coincidists, those who blame harm they cause on coincidences. Check out my new Substack about this.


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Jan 10Liked by Hedley Rees

Depopulation is a bit like higher taxes. Many people think it’s a good idea but they don’t want to be first to volunteer.

Government policy can influence population size through the level of child benefit, availability of childcare etc without ministers being out and out mass murderers.

There was a convergence of adjacent and overlapping interests. I don’t think all players were signed up members of the eugenics party but a lot of people played along because they saw an opportunity. Amazon did well out of lockdowns but I don’t believe Jeff Bezos is in the same billionaire club as Gates. Pharma makes more profit out of chronically sick than out of healthy or dead people.

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Love that first sentence! 😂 So true, I hear people parroting "population is our biggest problem" all the time. Not meaning themselves and their children of course...

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Interestingly there’s not a shred of evidence supporting the contention that earth is overpopulated.

The sole reason so many people assert it is because they’ve been programmed to believe it.

Left to it’s own devices, the human population will probably halve.

While a method for depopulating the planet exists, ie “vaccines”, I wouldn’t be at all surprised if mass starvation played an important role in some parts of the world.

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We need to educate people out of falling for plausible propaganda. Sadly it will never be a 100% success. Some will choose to remain inert and uninformed and for some others the complexity of reason will be too challenging.

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Jan 11Liked by Hedley Rees


Like, “everybody wants to go to heaven but nobody wants to go today…!”

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Take a look at some of these “leaders”. They have no children.

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It's not about money ... https://windowsontheworld.substack.com/p/a-very-very-clever-way-to-kill-you

What it is about ... is joining the dots ... and even our friend Steve Kirsch sidesteps that one ... I'm hoping Tucker Carlson, who has joined all the dots ... goes 'Godzilla' very soon ...


I repeat ... it's not about money ... it's about crimes .... extremely big ones ...



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While without question enormous quantities of money are being stolen, it’s main function is as lubricant to the crimes. It cannot be the primary driver since the to of the artificial tree is the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), headquartered in Switzerland, like most of the other key bodies.

So the beings at the top stand astride the money creation process itself. They can already create & distribute as much of it as they want.

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They also get to buy up islands and underground bunkers to make them selves safe whilst things collapse🥳

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That’s not going to help them when the whole earth detonates!!

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They have a plan B which is Mr Musk and a rocket to another planet🚀🤝

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Jan 10Liked by Hedley Rees

FOUR years ago, it started. Two weeks to flatten the curve.

Millions of words of articles, hours of podcasts and interviews. We haven’t processed this huge huge load of information, opinions, reviews and analyses. All this is still waiting to be used in a constructive way.

Besides, we are patients, families, bloggers, bystanders, readers or viewers. Honestly? We have no idea what this all is about. Our guesses don’t really matter. Our deep negative feelings have no bearing whatsoever how things will develop. And the most important witnesses are all dead and counting.

What does it matter what I think? I think that I would like first to see these articles and interviews used to arrive at real - actionable - conclusions.

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Makes sense Dan. So many people pitching in, it's difficult to see woods for the trees. That's one reason I asked the question.

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Jan 10Liked by Hedley Rees

Right now in the UK, the leader of the Labour Party, Sir Keir Starmer is concerned about the threats made to MP's since the conflict in Gaza but has done nothing about the rising knife crime in London. I am waiting to see which one of these so called world leaders die from Covid. I hope the right people rise up and do what they have to do to expose and deal with these evil people. Law suits are not enough to stop them.

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If not law suits, then what?

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Law suits are completely impossible.

In March 2020, I said to my wife that the only thing that accounted for the observation that most of the world has been paused at enormous economic costs was a supranational organization.

That organization must include the owners of central banks worldwide who must have signed off on this plan.

They already sit astride the money creation process itself. It’s not about money (though plenty of it has been an effective lubricant)

They already have gross control.

Totalitarian control at the individual level fits.

Why could that be valuable to them?

I can’t think of.a Better fit than depopulation.

Note my work experience and training makes me certain that the properties of the fake vaccines is intentional harm. I’m quite cautious. Yet I’m absolutely sure of this.

Lawsuits are impossible because absolutely NO institution which is to protect us remains on its feet and doing it’d job.

I put it to you that you don’t perform a global coup d’etat and leave the means to punish them, the criminals, in place.

For the same reason, the police won’t arrest the perpetrators, mass media will never tell the truth etc

They’re all under a high degree of control.

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Quoting my father-in-law, who prosecuted perpetrators of a coup in Ghana, as Acting Attorney General, he said that the first thing that happens in a coup is the imposition of "emergency law" which enables on-going propaganda to be "legal". Emergency Law also disables the judiciary as any legal challenges that fall under the purview of actions necessitated by the "emergency" can not be prosecuted because the defence "it was an emergency so it was deemed necessary, even if it was the wrong thing to do" stands. What you need to do is find a systemic abuse or a fundamental breach of due process, which can be considered outside of the restrictions of the "emergency law". The example he gave was of a politician using a false date of birth on a legal document. This is evidence that you can use to halt a coup. Because it is undeniable evidence of their untrustworthiness and that they are an unfit person for public office. He said, you have to persist in making your case, he warned it can take years (2, so far), and said that getting get public support was crucial because when the public voice demands arrests and investigation the police, who operate with public's consent, can't continue not investigating.

Recalling his advice is why I've been focussing on gathering evidence of key players with multiple registered interests, in Companies House. These are defined as self-created "synthetic identities" based on their real identity. They are "false representations" and breach Anti-money laundering legislation and cyber-security principles which fundamentally require "unique identities". And, their Registers of Interests provides evidence of failing to disclose interests. This is evidence of fraud by false representation and fraud by failing to disclose information (Sections 2 and 3 of the Fraud Act 2006), which is a crime that carries a prison sentence. Companies House and Registers of Interests are considered to be incontrovertible evidence. A judge, following due process, upon considering all the evidence of alleged wrong-doing, finding incontrovertible evidence of a crime, has to find that the defendant is guilty. Once a precedent is set, it can be applied more broadly. Once police investigation commences, as more information is discovered and considered, then the cartel involved in the coup becomes apparent. You just need one case to start the ball rolling.

So, I'm looking for a "public interest" solicitor, a bold policeman, and a judge with good principles (please contact me at alisonwright45@btinternet.com).

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One of the big issues we have is that folk just don't appreciate how corrupt our legal system is (along with everything else) there's good folk out there but it's how to find them, wish I could help.

Interesting to note that Epstein one group that was specifically targeted senior people in the justice system,can't think why🤔🥴

Martin Geddes is doing good stuff on substack and causing a few issues with our corrupt overlords.

With holding council tax seems like a legitimate move at the moment as it would seem our taxes our being used to excelerate our demise.

5G is much bigger issue that I first thought and we have 5G masts every quarter of a mile on the M5 motorway🚀☠️👍

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The legal system is disabled by the use of emergency laws but that's not the same as corrupt. With the right support we could get a judgement on this abuse of synthetic identities in Companies House which could clear these fraudsters out of the parliament and big business.

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Exactly. Which is why all revenge or “justice” voices are pointless. Waste of time, energy and hopes of common folks.

However it may sound “unfair”, leaving the past to the past and peaceful, systematic and well considered resetting everything from the bottom up appears to be the only reasonable way out.

But that’s not attractive to everybody for whom the covidgate has been a source of easy income, from bloggers to article authors to med professionals. No adrenaline, no money, no fame. Going back to plain matters? After this goldmine? No way.

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Apparently the UK Government want to place conspiracy theorist in the terrorist list so, for the sake of my liberty I must refrain from agreeing with you. Even if I do.

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When will you do it?

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The answer has been there the whole time, and that is why it's considered so very dangerous by the establishment...localism. the only "ism" that has/will actually work.😉

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Jan 12Liked by Hedley Rees

Thanks for sticking your neck out there. Depopulation is only a part of the plan.

Gates and others of his ilk can never miss an opportunity for massive profits though. That is the tell. We should have paid more attention when Gates started funding the vaccine industry. That should have tipped us off that there was a plan involving injections.

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Agree Espresso James - warpspeed development and production of the jabs guaranteed that people would be injured and even die, without any depopulation motive; also don't know why Gates, Bourla et al would want to kill off paying customers? Also, Gates, Fauci, Farrar, Sykes, Vallance, Whitty, and big pharma have been screwing healthcare systems for 40 years, making a wonderful living out of it. Thanks for the comment, much appreciate the feedback :O)

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It's simple, they're having a laugh. Money is no longer of any consequence at the level of their bank balances.

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Gates agenda is to be King of the World

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Hahaha as if! I bet he gets murdered within the next decade

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Jan 10Liked by Hedley Rees

It goes a long way back and it does seem to be being implemented under the banner of climate change. You've got groups like the Club of Rome and Committee of 300, wanting to reduce population along with Gates and his influence now. Sandi Adams and Patrick Wood are experts on it. Plus we now have The Great Taking, laws have been changed over time to ensure the very top take it all. The world economy is set to collapse soon, 2008 onwards it's been on life support, it's debt based and can only go on so long. Plus threats of cyber attacks. Having wealth in tangible assets under your immediate control, stocking up and being off the system as much as possible, debt free, is where we need to focus.

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Jan 10Liked by Hedley Rees

I have written several articles about this https://oldschoolcounselor.substack.com/p/the-motivation-for-the-plandemic and a few videos: https://rumble.com/v45p27u-january-7-2024.html. The international banks, financial houses, and their corporations (Pharma being the biggest), own the DOD and CIA/Mossad/Five Eyes. Their primary motivation is power. Money is power. They need consumers so why would they kill them? Also, nobody has identified command and control for any depopulation scheme. Who ordered it and how was it implemented from plan, ingredients, manufacturing, and distribution? Which scientists did the planning and the execution? There were no conscientious objectors? Profit and greed are already socially acceptable. Settlements from harms are seen as the cost of doing business. This was merely an acceleration of the ongoing profit ethos.

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Jan 10Liked by Hedley Rees

Agree it's about money and power but after much research over the last three years I feel there is a spiritual dimension to this and I do not subscribe to any single religion.

I would say that ultimately the biggest part is spiritual.

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Jan 10Liked by Hedley Rees

I agree! I think humans have a need to “believe” in something, so I guess thanks to The Enlightenment I suppose, many have rejected organized religion--and certainly there is much to be angry about with the earthly church organizations. So instead they believe in “science”, or technology, or just man’s ability to control his environment.

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Yes, and hucksters exploit this desire to the hilt. We do need better churches that can bridge the gap between God and science.

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No, we need a better relationship with God himself. Just saying!

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Jan 19·edited Jan 19Liked by Hedley Rees

Not so much spiritual as sociopathic, in my view. The accumulation of vast wealth with zero conscience and no regard for the impact on the rest of humanity is evil. We are weak and complicit if we fail to visit deterrent consequences on the perpetrators.

For example, in the field of fast fashion why should someone in a third world county suffer dyestuff and toxic metal poisoning, so someone in the developed world can buy a cheap garment that is worn once only? I am sure someone can think of a pharmaceutical sector analogy.

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Jan 10Liked by Hedley Rees

Interesting. I’d like to hear more on this. I don’t disagree.

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Jan 10Liked by Hedley Rees

Well, that was interesting, I started writing a comment and as I typed it it disappeared.

Look up Christopher Jon Bjerknes (utube) spelling may not be correct.

The subject needs to be approached from many different angles, historical,law,religion etc and requires much time.

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Jan 10Liked by Hedley Rees

Interesting to note that my previous comment disappeared on the point that I wrote:

the blood flows and the flesh lives ,

The living man/woman as opposed to the dead entity, ,legal fiction, 2D flat earth .

They have no lawful dominion over the living ,3D ,only the dead ,the legal fiction created at birth through the placenta the dead twin.

the digital slave ship is the domain they wish to create to give them selves the status of God in the digital realm and through this deception which is key to everything ,domain over the living. If interested Look up Justinian Deception. Dog Latin is your name in BLOCK capitals it is not your nor a language of the living it is all deception.

Look up the word "suffer" or "sufter" in blacks law dictionary "to permit or to consent"👍

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Coronovirus from a spiritual perspective is a starting point for you, on Amazon

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Please enlighten me further👍

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Covid Vaccines from a Spiritual Perspective: Consequences for the Soul and Spirit and for Life after Death Thomas Mayer

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They need to cover-up their crimes ... and make sure 8 billion people never uncover those crimes, and 'overthrow' them, taking away their control, and their unimaginable stolen wealth ...

They don't need 'consumers' ... they need 'renters' and 'producers' ... 'useful eaters' ... the 2 to 3 billion 'survivors' ... who will be further enslaved than they are now ... totally controlled by the 'scam' to 'save the planet' from 'climate change' ... have no freedom ... no free speech ... and no 'history' (already being scrubbed from the internet) ... basically survivors can only look forward to a 'North Korean' like existence ...

People need to wake up ... very soon ... it's happening! ...


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Jan 10Liked by Hedley Rees

There is no need for more awaken. Sufficient revolutionaries are there to make the fight. What is your action plan? Mine is radical non-participation and nation building. Are you with me?

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Sorry ... I don't see it ... here in NZ our 'resistance' is 'walked-over' by our MSM ... and ridiculed ...

Here in NZ , the 'resistance' amounts to a few people ... with a very limited, muted by MSM, voice ...

I have looked a 60 year old ... with suspected stomach cancer ... in the eye ... and told him not to get his next 'booster' ... he got the 'booster' ...

MSM lies are winning ...

Sure ... we had the Canadian truckers ... we had the Dutch farmers ... but, ultimately, 'they' are still winning ... getting away with their lies ... even under oath in Congress ...

Treasonous MSM in NZ is turning a blind eye ... and publishing US MSM lies daily ...

We are losing ... badly ... we have been losing since the first mRNA jab went into the first arm ...

I am with the 'resistance ' ... all the way ... I abhor the 'infighting' sometimes occurring ...

with over 5 billion lethally poisoned ... the 'Doomsday' clock is 'past midnight' ... way past ...

We don't have enough 'resistance' yet ... we have great people ... but we need a powerful voice to say the words the World has been programmed not to say ... not to hear ...

I don't think Trump will do it ... Musk might ... but I believe our best bet ... in the short term ... and the 'short term' is all we have left ... it's long been a 'salvage' operation ... not a 'rescue' ... is Tucker Carlson ... he has the 'voice' ... and comes with the least 'baggage' ... they are going to go after him ... shut him down like they are trying to shut down Trump ...

'Offense' is the best 'defense' ... I hope Tucker goes 'Godzilla' ... very soon ...

One sentence ... three words ... from Tucker ... and it's all over for them ...


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Jan 10Liked by Hedley Rees

'Give them a hero when they want one' - Tucker, Musk and Trump are all in the basket. No one is coming to save us. It's up to us to reject their system and build a new one and our future.

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Jan 10Liked by Hedley Rees

Your closest to the mark than most but even then there is a glaring gap....😉

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Jan 10Liked by Hedley Rees

I am of a fairly similar mindset--but I would add that much of the US govt--DOD, CIA etc is all in on bioweapons and they think it is a simple thing to create an effective vaccine to protect our military and citizens against a bio weapon. Gates is all about the money and a delusion that he is doing good. I feel that the US medical profession is completely corrupted and also all about the money and has a religious belief in vaccines’ mythological history of effectiveness ie saving millions of lives, without ever causing any adverse effects. I run into this all the time as a practicing physician. There is a union here with the scientific community/industry, in terms of the agenda and money-making. There’s also a huge faith we can create effective gene therapy, but I don’t believe there is a single safe example of that either. I have seen some of Gates’ comments that were taken to indicate an explicit agenda of depopulation, but I tend to see them more as suggesting that when you raise the standard of living of a country with better healthcare etc ( whatever that is!) you see birth rates fall. What I see is monstrous hubris linked with ways to increase power and control. I have been heavily influenced by JJ Couey’s exploration of the biology of viruses, alleged pandemics and the Covid vaccines.

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Jan 10Liked by Hedley Rees

I like what you say here.

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Disagree strongly. Please see my comment below yours. The seniormost perpendiculars own & control BIS and central banks worldwide.

They do not need any of us to make money.

We agree totalitarian control is an absolutely central driver.

It’s what they’ll do with the control that’s at issue.

With automated systems they no longer need the Population at anything like todays size. We’re at an end state for capitalism.

Totalitarian regimes are not consistent with other than central control.

The Georgia Guidestones indicate a limit population to 0.5B v 8.0B today.

Obviously I don’t have a copy of the script. I contend that few people believe this, all the better for the eugenicists.

There’s a strong whiff of eugenicism going back through several generations of people involved in this control agenda, like the Rockerfeller, Gates, British Royal Family etc

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Jan 13Liked by Hedley Rees

Hello Dr. Yeadon. Thank you for taking the time to engage with us. I understand you do not have the script for the big picture control. But can you help us understand how a product that was designed to harm was created and distributed en mass? We have folks in the science end offering thoughts and a few folks in quality control post production, but nobody as far as I can see in the high/middle of the production chain.

Who are the people that would have created the product? Who actually mixes the substances and where would that have been done with the COVID shots? Who in the chain of production would need to know what is in the shots? How would the mixing have been supervised? How much oversight would DOD have over the production process? These are the important specific answers I need in order to reach my normie friends, who are skeptical.

I understand this may be too much for a comment section. If you ever have time to discuss these questions in an article I would appreciate that, and I thank you for your graciousness and courage in all of this.

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GlaxoSmithKline current and former executives have coordinatied the development and manufacture of the jabs. This guy in the UK, long term Glaxo main Board memeber: https://www.theguardian.com/business/2021/mar/24/gsk-us-vaccine-chief-moncef-slaoui-galvani-bioelectronics (ignore him being sacked, he had done the job by then) and this guy, Sir Richard Sykes, Chair of the UK Vaccine Task Force: https://www.theguardian.com/business/2012/jul/04/glaxcosmithkline-former-chair-3bn-us - this guy, Roger Connor, was central too: https://daro.qub.ac.uk/Meet-Roger-Connor--President-Global-Vaccines-GSK- They had all the supply chain connections and facilities set up to develop and manufacture the jabs for global supply.

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Jan 28Liked by Hedley Rees

Roger is a a lovely chap, but frankly could not orchestrate anything. His role was cutting costs in Belgium while trying to stop people striking.

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Yes, Connor was a puppet - David Pulman, president of global manufacturing and supply: https://www.theguardian.com/business/2010/oct/28/glaxosmithkline-executives-allegedly-ignored-eckard, who was in charge at GSK GMS was the bad guy. I had a 15 minute call with him in 2012 and it made my blood run cold; I also know well Peter Savin in the article, VP Global Quality. Subsequently, after the Pullman call, I met with (Sir) Ian McCubbin (VP Supply Chain) at GSK House, who told me they had McKinsey in consulting on their supply chain, so didn't need my help. These are REAL facts on what is happening on the ground - Dr Mike Yeadon - would you consider taking a more nuanced view of this whole thing???

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Jan 28Liked by Hedley Rees

These people all left a long time before the pandemic. Email me for more.

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According to a recent Dutch German study, all of the shots were not created equal, and the majority were most likely placebos!

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Do you think this was a manufacturing artifact or intentional design and why?

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I’m not Dr Yeadon but I believe the answer to your questions can be found at Sasha Latypova’s Substack, also Katherine Watts. They have exhaustively researched this.

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Unfortunately, these terrific allies do not answer the above questions. That is why I asked the questions.

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Good to see you mention the Georgia Guide Stones, they did tell us the goal but it became a little uncomfortable for them so they were "removed from view"👍

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I don’t think the depopulation people actually TOLD their political, regulatory and corporate henchmen their plan. They just motivated them the usual way: money.

It only takes a tiny number at the top to orchestrate the whole thing. The others are just power and money hungry suckers, because that is what you get at the top of any large organisation. And below that the vast majority of people just like to be told what to do. Because that is how human societies have evolved - in a command hierarchy.

Then you get us. The awkward buggers.

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Think again, it’s a love-hate battle on the side of evil, pure and simple.

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