
Dear Vaccine Injured Deniers,

Someday You'll Understand.

No You Won't.

Understand That.

We Do.


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There are just some people who don't understand how dumb they are. They don't have the ability to learn from mistakes. Their die off will have both positive and negative effects.

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Well Bacca400 - I was dumb about WEF/GATES/FAUCI etc until three years ago - just some are more resistant to believing the evidence when presented to them...

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Jun 24, 2023·edited Jun 24, 2023Liked by Hedley Rees

I wasn't talking about being ignorant, I was talking about people being closed minded. I should have been more specific. For some odd reason I was reading about this fringe stuff for 30 years. I didn't believe much of it until COVID-19 hit. Then the last 30 years seemed like a spoiler alert.

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I Will Pay

For The Funeral

Of Anyone

Who Demands

To Be Buried

With Their Mask On.


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Thanks Hedley. Excellent presentation.

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Thanks Andy!

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Jun 23, 2023Liked by Hedley Rees

Thank you, Mr. Rees--I downloaded and viewed your Ppt presentation.

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Thank you - hope you found it helpful. :>)

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I did, although it's rather too deep for me--but I do appreciate having the insider's understanding! And it led me to explore a few beneficial rabbit holes.

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Jun 23, 2023Liked by Hedley Rees

Ocean Gate is a concise example of what happens when we let this generation / genre of thinkers take the reigns. One hears the same voice of inflated promises (based on grand enthusiasm and salesmanship rather than critical thinking and diligent, cautious methodology) when reading the thousands of publications on nanotechnology medicine delivery platforms that have been generated over recent decades -- building up to the release of the Covid shots (sieze the manufactured opportunity and just get the launch over with by clearing away the precautions, since the lab work generally failed to make it by the hurdles of efficacy and safety).

I am interested in reading any insight from the ground on how these manufacturing processes are e.g. delicate / fallible and would be happy to hear what you have to share.

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You are playing my favourite tune Bird! I look at some of these mRNA conference attendees and my jaw is on the floor! All they've ever done is some experiments in a tiny lab, no idea of how to develop or manufacture a safe efffective drug. I do have this on Amazon, paperback and Kindle: https://www.amazon.com/What-Patients-Need-Know-About-ebook/dp/B0916FTV7B/ref=sr_1_4?crid=1FSSF62GSVJB0&keywords=hedley+rees&qid=1687521072&sprefix=hedley+rees%2Caps%2C192&sr=8-4 - I wrote it in 2021, inanticipation of people like you wanting to know the basics of what's involved. It's purposely factual and evidence based. Not trying to sell you it, of course :O)!

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Jun 23, 2023Liked by Hedley Rees

Sounds like a wonderful resource. Thank you for being proactive in making your wisdom available for everyone.

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If only I could persuade others of its merits as a resource...appreciate your knid words :O)

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