Aug 28·edited Aug 28Liked by Hedley Rees

I don't think the de-population agenda and the make loadsa $$$£££ agenda are mutually exclusive. They don't want to spend their ill-gotten gains on UBI for the useless eaters so they need the numbers down as AI/robotics replaces jobs all the way up from shop-floor workers through to white collar workers. The shift to "vaccines" offsets this because instead of just mining the sick for money suddenly everybody becomes a potential recipient. It means they can massively cut population numbers but still increase revenues...

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Aug 28Liked by Hedley Rees

No-one on here has commented on all the undisclosed ingredients found in these vials and blood of injected (and uninjected) people. The Internet of Bodies is a thing. David A Hughes has a substack and has written a book, free to download. I personally think these lunatics think they are gods, wanting to create $olutions to problems they've caused and have the power to extinguish life when a human uses more energy than they produce. Patrick Wood has written much on this on his Technocracy News website. Blair is all for digital IDs. I think if you assume the pandemic was about a health emergency and not look at economics, financial situation, too big to fail banks, pharma, the development of CBDCs, you are missing the big picture.

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Aug 28·edited Aug 28Liked by Hedley Rees

you may like this short video from BBC, watch how Novak Djokovic becomes subject here, lol personal choices become public choices, sounds familiar to communism? to the system China is run, you have no individual freedom very soon https://rumble.com/v5cjwix-sir-bill-gates-is-asked-scripted-questions-on-his-own-tv-network-the-bbc.html the key takeaway from here is WHO will try again in 2025 to take national freedoms and practicing fear is what they call for , he maped it out: freaking out at every single small outbreak so that they can investigate genes! EUGENICS never left

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Yes, the British Bullsh$t Corporation is right up Dr Gates' ar$e - they are on the losing side, thank God

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Aug 28·edited Aug 28Liked by Hedley Rees

lol you wrote them off so fast! no no they are still on the winning side, for the Truth to win one needs people who are willing to DIE for the Truth first. I do not see many of those around me :)

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They are on the losing side, just they don't know it. My next post will attempt to expalin why...tune in!

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Trump :) is willing to die...maybe he can do something...but war is never walk in the park, this evil grew so big that it is nowhere close to loosing

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Aug 28Liked by Hedley Rees

It definitely has something to do with the dollar collapsing. If the population are sick, UKC, Debbie Evans said 50% working are off sick, not sure if England or the UK on that one. But if true that's mindbogglingly.... As inflation goes through the roof, thinking about what happened in Venezuela. Then having a sick nation would be better than fit healthy nations. Might be wrong in that thought, but if the rall of Roma and other regimes in history then this also might be a possibility. Thanks again Hedley

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No probs Cookie. My next post will explain why investors in Big pharma are ging to lose their shirts, pants and skin too!!!

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Aug 28Liked by Hedley Rees

I’m still on the fence about intentional depop or big Pharma returns. They knew the toxins were carelessly produced and so perhaps depop was just a welcome side effect.

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Aug 28Liked by Hedley Rees

WTF is WMD Tony B-Liar doing there ?

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He's a madman, as we know Paul. Global domination is right up his street - as is sucking up to Bill Gates for frequent $$$$$ top-ups....

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Roll on DT / RFK

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Sep 3Liked by Hedley Rees

FYI: Paul Cudenec in “The Acorn” cites your article


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Thank you!

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Aug 30Liked by Hedley Rees

Well you have got them all in one place, round them up and let Nuremberg 2.0 begin.

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That the important thing - swinging the spotlight on them. That's one thing all critical thinkers can do. Let it be known they will be in San Francisco in January 2025, plotting their next bag of usesless drugs are are dangerous as well. All in the name of $$$$, with a ton of satisfaction that they are killing people at the same time. Soon, Nuremberg 2.0 will be ready to begin.

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Aug 28Liked by Hedley Rees

I do not know anymore. I know they are driven by profit not health of ppl anymore. If ever. I read about the death toll c-vx caused, the unknown ingredients, the 75 years they wanted to wait to even let ppl know any info, and the claimes and pictures on nano-tech in the soup. What is the truth?

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This is my truth Dee. Have you heard of the patent cliff? If not, it's this. Blockbuster drugs began in the mid 1980s. Tagamet and Zantac were the first. Their patents ran out after 10 years, and both companies, SK&F and Glaxo had nothing to replace them. Their sales nose-dived. The term patent cliff became well known, as all the big pharma companies had the same issues. They never solved the issues of the patent cliff, as it was caused by them losing the ability to develop new drugs through outsourcing all the facilites and skills in the 1980s. The SARS-Cov-2 injections fraud was the last desperate bid to deliver blockbuster profits, which they did in 2021/22. One thing is certain - they don't care about the people being given their products, live or die.

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Dear DR. HEDLEY, Thanks for your fine one here! I just copied one paragraph to paste for reiteration. 'J P Morgan and the other culprits—Fauci; Collins: Farrar; Gates; Ferguson; Vallance; Whitty; van Tam; Harris; Sykes and a long list more—are sitting in plain sight. We all need to focus on the here and now and take these criminals down. The trail of evidence is there.'

This Post of mine suggests: Leave CHASE and all the Criminal Cripplers behind us. https://donpaul.substack.com/p/the-run-on-chase-customers-abandon

I do believe that 'de-population' is real aim and fact of these lunatics' Agenda. Perhaps a bigger truth is that their Agenda is so riddled with contradictions and nonsense that it's a Humpty Dumpty ready for us to push into a big, much-deserved and final fall. Cheers!

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Aug 28Liked by Hedley Rees

You need to research the covid jabs effect on fertility and the excess deaths weve seen since the jab. They always harvest the situation, so if they can make money and depop, its a win-win for them. Theyre transferring the wealth before they take it all down. If I'm wrong, there will be no ww3 nuclear holocaust on the horizon (within a few years imo) and I'd gladly be wrong.

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The way I see it Don is that excess deaths, fertility issues, etc are undeniable. We don't need to keep talking about them, we need to nail the guys actually doing the physical work in the supply chain, churning substandard, defective products out by the billions. The only question is around the motive. Either way, they must be stopped, me thinks Don...

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RFK jr's recent comments - in which he cites Calley Means extensively, all revolves around the profitability of a sick kid, let alone sick adults.

it's a purposefully murky environment due to 5th gen warfare (robert malone & michael flynn have written extensively). but the inability of the USA to get the globe to kowtow w/o going nuclear is apparent (see afghanistan, iraq, syria, ukraine, red sea maritime traffic shutdown). the us dollar reserve currency status + current debt based monetary systems are also approaching a death rattle.

lots of uncertainty, but we do know = the current status quo dont care about you, your health, or your liberty and only wish to continue their outsized wealth/standard of living at the expense of everyone else. it is not a purely class warfare conflict - there are plenty of rich people who arent in the club (elon/paypal gang? telegram ceo, among others) + plenty of upper middle / middle class (journalists, congress people fed & state level) who are useful idiots / stockholm syndrome sufferers.

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Aug 28Liked by Hedley Rees

Nice catch Alan - the jigsaw is coming together....Blair is a greedy idiot who doesn't know anything about the risks in drug development - tune in for my next post!

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I am believing in both the depopulation and the big money theory. Depopulation of the old & weak because these would be classed as beyond economical repair.... In other words they would cost, not profit. Whats left is the cash cow, until of course they become a burden.

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False dichotomy.

The "executive branch" of this is being led by carrots on sticks, just as envisioned. Their greed is being used as a tool. That doesn't mean they understand all of what's going on. As long as they get assured legal immunity, Lamborghini driving coke heads don't need to care much about other details, like what their products are doing to people.


[EDIT] - sorry, that linked vid doesn't contain all of what I wanted to reference, that part about the carrot sticks is missing. They basically said that the pharma industry will follow the set incentives.

As for population count: I've lost count of now documented mechanisms of harm that _shorten lifespan_ of injectees. To say, basically, "billions did not die in a week - see, it's not depop" is a strawman.

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