Mar 20·edited Mar 20Liked by Hedley Rees

Thank you for speaking out. (There were so many, many "tells" on this con.)

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Thanks for the kind words :O) - I know too much to stay quiet!

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I have had a question for some time and I would love your thoughts on it. The question is did the politicians, media stars, the Fauci Medical Mafia et al., and Big Pharma executives, etc. with their well publicized shots actually take the same shots as everyone else? In a hearing before the Australian parliament, Pfizer admitted that their employees took their shots from a dedicated batch. Given your expertise, is there anyway the lay public could figure out if the Publicized Shotsters were actually taking real shots or placebos? One other question, as I am new to your excellent site that you may well have previously answered, why the apparent huge variation in shot adverse event outcomes versus batch numbers? Does the poor quality control that you mention above account for the variance or was it by design to perform real time, liability free human testing? Or both? If this has been previously addressed, could you recommend the best post on this subject? Thanks. P.S. As an old engineer who has been peripherally involved in the manufacturing quality revolution my whole working career, and one that fully supports the critical need for a quality ethic, effective performance management/measurements systems, and continuous improvement in all things, I am excited to follow your site. Thanks for all you are doing.

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Thanks for the kind words Vic! Not certain on the medical mafia - there may have been some 'special' batches, but difficult to control in a complex supply chain. I'm not a believer in the toxic by design argument - I'm a believer in the laws of the physical world - if you cobble any product together 10 time quicker than ever before, it's going to damage people. If it's defective hair dryers, people get electric shocks. If it's defective medicinal products that go inside your body, made of unknown materials, with no quaity system or skilled staff doing the final assembly, the result is carnage! Great to have an engineer in here!

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Thanks. Quality is a frame of mind. Some get it, some don't. The Medical Mafia is the regulators, lobbyist, legislators, doctors, contractors, academics, medical journals, the press (particularly in the US), social media types, celebrities, the foundations, and international organizations that conspire to do Big Pharma's bidding at the expense of the citizenry. Basically anyone who sells out the truth for Big Pharma bucks.

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Mar 20Liked by Hedley Rees

This looks promising! Writ of Mandamus filed in Florida to compel Gov to remove Covid Vaccines. They are identified as a bioweapon. https://josephsansone.substack.com/p/breaking-writ-of-mandamus-filed-in?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

Dear Hedley, have you considered speaking to Steve Kirsch? Maybe some folks are overcomplicating things legally and this seems like a logical path.

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"amateurs prepared them" - oh no, skilled eugenicist! mRNA is a high tech nano-technology!

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and now they're pushing mRNA for EVERYTHING

especially as cancer rates explode and Big Pharma just happens to be acquiring many biotechs for just that... https://eccentrik.substack.com/p/as-cancer-rates-explode-big-pharma

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