Aug 19Liked by Hedley Rees

Total insanity. Scaremongering about something that is so rare and hardly transmissible. Just because the WHO call it a danger doesn't mean it is. Where is the discernment by our supposed Chief Medical Officer and Chief Scientist? I think what is happening in the UK is grounds to take legal action against these puppets for dereliction of their duty. Only when those in office are held personally liable will they do the right thing.

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Aug 19Liked by Hedley Rees

People have a one in five billion chance of dying of monkeypox according to Jessica Rose who’s run the numbers from the official data, why on earth would you take a jab for something with such a low risk unless the media hype up the severity under orders from our scummy leaders.

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Why indeed Lizzy - completely mad!!!

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Couldn’t agree more!

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Aug 19Liked by Hedley Rees

Can we volunteer other people for the trials?

Maybe our dear leader, Mr Starmer, or the politicians, journalists and media whores, who wanted to force us all to take the previous poison juice.

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Yes Harry - these are the guys running the global scam, in collusion with big pharma. It is the money making arm of the WEF, where Starmer proudly sits at the table…

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Please tell me it's being tested on Parliament?

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If only, Timothy!!!

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Aug 19Liked by Hedley Rees

I am very Covid Vaccine damaged, I have applied for the VDPS, which I don’t expect to get. I am old and as such had a Smallpox vaccine as a child, apparently this MPox vaccine is based on the Smallpox vaccine, has the whole farce gone full circle? They are obviously talking up this current scare to make even more money.

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May you find the healing that is best for you.

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That’s why folk are calling it the Money Pox Patricia :)

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Aug 19Liked by Hedley Rees

Apparently the human Guinea pigs that were available for the Covid Testing may no longer exist or be too infirm to apply?

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Aug 19Liked by Hedley Rees

Here we go again...

Only for the uninitiated. Makes me sad ppl will actually let them do this for a mock pandemic scare.

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Wow. Just wow.

Hedley Rees: Thank you.

I felt bad for the people who signed up for the covid jab trials and ended up injured. It was obvious to me that that was a stupid thing to do, to play with one's good health for a clinical trial, and it was also obvious to me even then that the covid thing was some weird con, but I could appreciate that such persons had volunteered at a time when the idea that vaccines were safe was so ingrained, that science was really science, and also, I could appreciate that many volunteers apparently sincerely believed that, by participating, they were helping humanity escape the grip of the "terrible scourge" of covid.

I can't say I would feel any such compassion for any moneypox jab volunteers.

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Thanks Reader East of Albuquerque! At the risk of people jumping all over me again, the point to take from this is that the US Military/DoD/Darpa/Barda had diddly squat to do with these injections. It was the big pharma companies who sold off their drug development and production assets in the 1980s to the point where they had to commit fraud to keep the blockbuster returns rolling in. The post proves that REAL people are doing this. These are mRNA injections that UK MHRA now allows them to be manufactured in the hospital - even though they don’t have a clue. That means it is not faceless folk up above doing this to us, and there is no hope for the future. The faceless folk up above are merely taking the blockbuster profits and smiling all the way to the bank…

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Aug 20Liked by Hedley Rees

Let’s kill off more people with the MPox shots. COVID clot shots have killed millions of people in the UK, now let them finish the job with the next MRna shot for M Pox.

Excess deaths in the US have killed millions. We will be next. They say they are going to be mandated in the US, per the Biden administration. Elect Kamala Harris, cackle, cackle, cackle demon and that will happen.

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Thanks for the commment Joanna. This is the line I have taknen all along since these sterile injectables that were not sterile were started. It is big pharma companies, coordinated out of the UK, with UK Government backing, that are doing this to get back to making blockbuster profits again ie $80 billion for Pfizer, plus BioNTech, Moderna and AZ making billions. Big pharma is the money-making arm of the WHO/WEF/Davos crowd, head up by Bill Gates. Bill Gates had the tories in his pocket, and now he has Starmer in his pocket. UK NHS is now the only country in the world running mRNA clinical trials in hospitals, at the kind approval of MHRA. I don't subscribe to the "they want to kill us all" argument because that leaves us helpless to doing anthing about it. The perpetrators are standing in full sight. I hope that makes sense? I've taken quite a bit of stick for holding that view, but the facts speak for themselves. Anyway, thanks again for the comment - dialogue is the only way to unpick this mess...

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Aug 20Liked by Hedley Rees

Who is stupid enough to get one?

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there's still some around, hopefully not many!!!

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Aug 19·edited Aug 19Liked by Hedley Rees


Thanks for reporting.

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Fruit and nuts!!!

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Aug 19Liked by Hedley Rees

Why anyone in their right mind would want a microscopic circuit board installed in them is beyond me. Is that what those metal wormy things that were oozing out of some people’s skin was? A circuit board gone wonkers?

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Aug 19Liked by Hedley Rees

They would find any excuse to start another Scamdemic; World War III just round the corner. Still working of their agenda to depopulate with viruses and vaccines and to control with CBDC and 5G! I hope God has other plans.

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I'm seeing people getting scared again, it takes little now after covid, and they will probably be queuing up for it.

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Then I have zero sympathy for their outcomes.

If they are so criminally stupid as to fall for this one, then they deserve the consequences.

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Can't help but notice this is just after seriously clamping down on speech in the UK, to keep the peace, of course. Right after a teenager with little online presence stabbed children and catalyzed riots ... right after a 20-year-old in the US with little online presence tried to shoot Trump (acting alone, of course, the secret service and local police were just having an off day).

Just speculating (really), curious what others think ...

Do you know if any of those new mPowerful creations are the "self-amplifying" vaccines?

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Have you seen this? Moderna have just been found guilty of allowing the use of illegal financial inducements to recruit CHILDREN into one of their covid vaccine studies https://www.pmcpa.org.uk/cases/ongoing-cases/auth3886324-a-complaint-on-behalf-of-children-s-covid-vaccines-advisory-council-v-moderna/

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Unbelieveable. Never MRNA.

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