All this should be front page news, but it would hurt too many people's pockets

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Give it Time Neal…they did the crime, they must do the time…

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I find it so alarming to know that big pharma keeps getting away with fraud and killing people

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Have you seen this judgement against Moderna, just published on the PMCPA website. Moderna were found guilty of allowing social media to be used to recruit children into one of their covid vaccine studies by offering unapproved, illegal and potentially coercive financial inducements. They were found guilty of failing to maintain high standards and bringing “discredit” on their industry. Their penalty for this abuse and exploitation of British children and their parents ?….A mere £14,000. https://www.pmcpa.org.uk/cases/completed-cases/auth3886324-a-complaint-on-behalf-of-children-s-covid-vaccines-advisory-council-v-moderna/

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Oh, Dads Army enters the debate! These are all distractions to keep people thinking something is being done. Moderna and the others must go to Court for knowingly selling defective (misbranded) products to healthcare systems to be administered to the public. The penalty? Jail for corporate manslaughter…

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Benjamin Rush, who helped write it constitution for the USA was clear this would happen. Organised crime.

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Marcia Angell tells the story well

The Truth About the Drug Companies - Her book and article in New York Review of Books



Drug Companies & Doctors: A Story of Corruption



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It will come out Peter, too much evidence now…

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Just hoping it comes out before Harris gives us WW3 or Trump gives us climate meltdown


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