The depopulation agenda can be traced to 1798, when Malthus published “An Essay on the Principle of Population”. This work inspired Darwin’s “On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life”which, in turn, inspired Darwin’s cousin, Francis Galton, to create a new science “Eugenics” to enable the self-direction of human evolution.

The proliferation of contraceptives by Sanger and Stopes at the beginning of the 20th Century (in the United States and Britain respectively) was motivated by the Malthusian/eugenic agenda. Stopes testified as much under oath in the High Court in London in 1923 when she sued Dr Halliday Sutherland for libel (full disclosure: I am a grandson of Dr Sutherland).

The Malthusians held the fifth “International Neo-Malthusian and Birth Control Conference” in London in 1922. In 1927, the first ever World Population Conference was held in Geneva organised by C.F. Chance, the League of Nations and Margaret Sanger.

In 1928, the Eugenics Society published its first draft of a sterilization bill and got one of its members, Archibald Church MP to propose a bill “to enable mental defectives to undergo sterilizing operations or sterilizing treatment upon their own application, or that of their spouses or parents or guardians” in the House of Commons in 1931.

When the Nazi atrocities, such as the T4 program, came to light, eugenics became “on the nose” and it fell out of fashion. Julian Huxley gave up his position as President of Britain‘s Eugenics Society to head up UNESCO and he intended to rehabilitate eugenics so that it could be discussed again.

When Nazi officials were punished for their eugenics programs, some (many?) were genuinely mystified because many of their measures were not unique to Germany, but were copied from the United States (for instance, their law to sterilize so-called defectives was based on the legislation passed in states like California).

At this point, the US and UK eugenics societies introduced policies of “crypto-eugenics” (ie. secret eugenics) to continue their work. When the Council of Britain’s Eugenics Society resolved to introduce crypto-eugenics in 1960, it simultaneously resolved to contribute to the International Planned Parenthood Federation and the Family Planning Association. It later played a part (in the 1970s) in the establishment of Marie Stopes International - renamed MSI Reproductive Choices in 2020 - which facilitated 4.7 million “safe” abortions worldwide in 2018.

Social historian Ann Farmer (in her book “By Their Fruits”) has shown that abortion reform in the late 1960s was agitated by eugenists and Malthusians.

Crypto-eugenics has led to the airbrushing of eugenics from Britain. For instance, the Eugenics Society resolved to change its name to the less-evocative Galton Institute and in the last few years it has changed its name to the even-less-evocative “Adelphi Genetics Forum”.

The answer to your question is extensive, but what I have tried to show is that the population controllers have been at it for a long, long time.

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lovely, lovely comment :O)

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Sep 5Liked by Hedley Rees

Your comment captivated my interest which sent me to your substack and I have just this moment purchased your book from Amazon


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Hi Mark,

that's a really great comment.

And thanks to Patricia is see you have a great book out on your grandfather's stand against the psychopaths of the British establishment. Well done.

I'll check out your Substack too.

Your comments, and your book, taken together with numerous other factors relating to the Enclosure Acts/shipping convicts to Australia/ driving the poor out of Europe to America/ depopulation/climate change/eugenics/GMO/attacks on food/attacks on energy/Net Zero/Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars, just to name a few, confirm a thought that I have had for a very long time now regarding poverty.

The elites have no intention of 'ending poverty.'


Their solution to ending poverty, is to do exactly what the Swiss did, to get rid of the poor.

And getting rid of the poor means eliminating them.

Albert Malthus, and those who came after him, were all well paid liars, fraudsters, and corrupt shills for the evils of an establishment oligarchy who knows dam well what creates the mass poverty - which is their oligarchy and monopoly of everything, their Money Monopoly, now worldwide, and global Monopoly Capitalism, also worldwide - and that's why today 1% of the global population owns 50% of the wealth, and the next 10% owns another 40% and that leaves the 90% with just 10%, but the bottom 50% share about 1%, meaning the clothes on their backs, because the true problem is MONOPOLY and the organization of society into pyramid structures which centralize the power, the wealth and the profits.

Ahh I do rant.

Thanks for your comments above and your book, I added them to my thoughts on eugenics, depopulation and poverty.


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Sep 5Liked by Hedley Rees

The way that Hancock’s ‘adult vaccine for adults’ was rolled out to children, babies and pregnant women overriding all ethical considerations suggests there was more than profit-maximisation at play. Once your eyes are opened you see this everywhere

- inadequate care for the elderly during lockdowns

- drug regulators becoming enablers

- attack on farmers and food production capacity

- active promotion of abortion in the USA

- promotion of the ‘climate emergency’ scam leading to higher energy costs, inadequate generating capacity, blackouts and winter deaths


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Not money. "They" are all quite rich enough. Their objective is at least genetically targeted depopulation, targeting the specifically the non-compliant races. Overall objective is to reduce the population down to manageable numbers. of those genetically suited to taking orders. From there, total control of the surviving remainder of the human race. The challenge for the non-compliant, who are all targeted for death by bio-weapon, is to work out how to survive and so be able to fight back, and what a challenge that is going to be!

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Do you believe the injections are ‘bioweapons’ then

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Yes, given their ingredients and their impacts on health, what else could they be?

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The SARS-CoV-2 injections are gene modified cell therapies that have been on sale since 2017. FDA gave them breakthrough designation in 2014 - 3 years later, Novartis launched the 1st gene therapy, Kymriah, for rare blood cancers. They have not been selling at $475,000 per treatment, and big pharma companies don't have any other drugs to sell. So they ignored all the safety measures in developing new drugs, such as preclinical testing, and rushed them to market under the new name "Vaccines". They are severly defective products due to the X10 development time, so will kill and injure a certain number of people, guaranteed - make sense? They. just. didn't. care.

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Sep 5Liked by Hedley Rees

Made WEF & WHO very happy.

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if you will act childish here, and you need more of an explanation, i do not mean you personally but the group of people, then i have 0 hopes for anything coming out of that, you need to step up the game, we do not fight the flesh here, but the spirit! when"they" hear what your concerns are, they lough! and they know you pose 0 threat, it looks like many of you are here for collecting points, followers, throwing your "view" of the world etc. that can not unite, only the Truth unites people, and that is ultimately God, so unless you behvae like God servants........you serve yourself

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Can you explain further please?

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everything is explained in my blog:) if there is 0 recognition that there is the ultimate Truth towards we all strive, being a leader as the one who knows it all....is the wrong attitude," they"also think they are saving the world lol, do not think they think they are evil lol...they are humans who serve the Evil, and knowing anybodies motives is deep water

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Sep 5Liked by Hedley Rees

Hi Christiane that’s interesting. Do you have any evidence to support this hypothesis?

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Of course not. It's just a narrative that makes sense of all the facts.

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Not money specifically, but a stripping of wealth in general from the populace. And a total interruption of generational transfer of wealth by any who are not part of the "elite". All leading to further and tighter control, of everything.

A poor and dependant population will be ever easier to experiment on and reduce along the way. Humans are little more than farm animals in these people's eyes it would seem.

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Sep 5Liked by Hedley Rees

Neoliberal economics à la Friedman and Hayek have done much of that already. Along come Reagan and Thatcher

and its visceral greed and stupidity and the whole things blows up in people’s faces 40 years later, and we, the people, bail out the delusional fools that caused the problem. We have clearly learnt nothing from the Tulip Mania in Holland of the 1600s. That was 400+ years ago. Idiocracy awaits. Anyone seen that movie? Almost prescient.

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Cracking post Charles. Reagan, Thatcher, Blair, and those before them and after, pushing deregulation as the way forward. If we deregulated out transport systems, abolishing the rules of the road, there's the way to kill millions. Instead, they deregulated the production of pharmaceutical products, with a similar impact. Same for construction in UK and Grenfell Tower tragedy...

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Exactly, schmucks chasing fast bucks. Their God has an L in it. GOLD. Stupid, selfish, destructive and short term thinking.

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What if I said the injections were developed, manufactured and distributed by contractors based in the US, Switzerland and the UK? This is a clue: https://www.catalent.com/catalent-news/moderna-and-catalent-announce-long-term-strategic-collaboration-for-dedicated-vial-filling-of-modernas-covid-19-vaccine-and-clinical-portfolio/

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Sep 5Liked by Hedley Rees

I always thought that the ultimate goal was to depopulate (billions) the globe, now I'm not 100% certain. Depopulation would reduce profits for the globalists. Wouldn't it be better if they just made us sick and then offered the cure (just like the last 60 years!)

I'm leaning towards power and control, both of which, result in massive profits for the likes of Blackrock, Vanguard, State Street and the Bill Gates of this world. If there were no consumers, the aforementioned would not be around!

All empires die in the end, and this empire of fear and terror, will also die too. But what will succeed it? A one world government, run possibly by the United Nations?

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That’s exactly it Glenn - what people probably don’t know is that has been on the edge of failure for 20 odd years. Nearly all drugs are now generic - estimates put it at about 90%. The valley of death led to the patent cliff due to big pharma selling off all its drug development capability. Pfizer Massive blockbuster Lipitor went out of patent with nothing to replace it. It’s happened to most of the big pharma companies. All they had left was gene modified cell therapy for rare blood cancers, (CAR T) but they weren’t selling due to $6 and 7 figure price tags. So they changed the name to vaccine…it’s true. That’s what happened. To your point again Glenn, why would WEF want to kill the people contributing to its coffer via Gates Healthcare plc? In fact, why would they announce a depopulation agenda if that was their intention? Criminals never announce their intentions!

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Sep 5Liked by Hedley Rees

Exactly!! Make us all sick and reap the profits from the medications we will all need

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They have plenty of money. And they can do that same “sell the sickness, then the cure” to 50% less people. WEF stated goal by maniac Noel Harari (sp?) is to eliminate “useless eaters”.

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Sep 5Liked by Hedley Rees

The money are just to maintain the Apparatus. It is not about money. It is more profound than that.

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Tell us more 😁

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for that you all need to start reading the Bible, as there is nothing more to material world there is, the rest is all about immaterial, or spiritual :)

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deletedSep 6
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no, because the language is very different, if you can not trust logic, you must invent your own religion, good luck

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Telling what I believe is not relevant. Maybe as a guidances, as opinions, yes. This is the first and the biggest mistake: people want answers from others. No, this will lead to nothing but blaming others for what they believe. Everyone should find answers by himself/herself using critical thinking and unlearning the previous programming based on evidences found everywhere.

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Ex school boyfriend is a lead in BARDA. Emailed him for 2 years to stop with the jabs. Saw he opened the emails, never responded. Can't imagine him purposefully wanting to harm people, but considering he worked for a huge pharma company prior, I'm thinking he's desensitized. He was still chipper about the jabs up to at least November 2023. Saw a video. Disheartening to know someone I knew would have taken this road. I also lost my best school friend. She works at Lockheed, DOD. My speaking out was nonsense to her...or perhaps fear.

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Sep 5Liked by Hedley Rees

Absolutely a money making scheme. And possibly a trial run at Global totalitarianism.

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A large strong burgeoning healthy population is the greatest threat to a small ruling mafia who want the world and its resources for themselves. Their empire is financed by wars and chemicals, so if the population is harmed, hindered or killed by their activities and products, two birds are killed with the same stone.

There is a war on our food supply, and our access to fuel. Indeed monopolisation of farming seems to have been going on for some years… They blame CO2 for the damage to the environment that has been caused by their own policies using chemicals and GMOs, to get out more than they put in.

There is also damage to the environment from their failure to deal with the pollution caused by their chemicals and industry, whether in the atmosphere or in the ground or water. Dr Aseem Maholtra hit a moment of truth when he described these corporations as psychopathic entities.

Here’s a take I came across today


Regarding the vaccines, if they want to advance with genetic engineering, then ‘Covid’ was an ideal opportunity to experiment. Particularly when no one appears to know exactly what was in the shots.

And they don’t appear to have been consistent. How absurd that we would willingly agree to be injected with unknown substances by people who’ve imprisoned us for two years.

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Sep 5Liked by Hedley Rees

Hedley, why can’t it be both?

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Agree James, it could be both, and other drivers people have mentioned too. For me, it's a case of eating the elephant one bite at a time. The first bite is to expose the jabs as gross negligence and fraud, based on the illicit product developmenet timescales. The vaccines task force in the UK was headed by GSKs former CEO Sir Richard Sykes. In the US, it was Beyond all doubt, this is the man behind the SARS-CoV-2 injections evil

Moncef Slaoui, Physician, Vaccine Researcher, and Chief Advisor, Operation Warp Speed, Born in: Morocco: https://www.carnegie.org/awards/honoree/moncef-slaoui/ Slaout was Trump's adviser for operation warspeed. It was a British operation implemented globally - the evidence for that is incontravertable. Those people, and their collaborators, are standing in full sight of us all. I can list them. You all will know a lot of them. Who's with me in exposing them? or no?

“During a nearly 30-year career at GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), including a position as head of research and development, Slaoui oversaw the development of a number of vaccines, including vaccines to prevent cervical cancer, gastroenteritis, shingles, pneumococcal disease, and Ebola. Slaoui spent 27 years researching a vaccine for malaria. Although largely eradicated in developed countries, malaria still kills more than 400,000 people annually — most of them children in sub-Saharan Africa. In 2015, Mosquirix, the world's first vaccine for the dreaded disease, was approved by the European Medical Agency. “I cried — it’s very personal,” Slaoui recalled on hearing the news of the vaccine’s approval after his decades-long quest. He retired from GSK in 2017. Two years later, the first doses of the malaria vaccine Slaoui and his team at GSK had developed were administered to children in Ghana, Kenya, and Malawi in a World Health Organization–coordinated pilot program.”

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Sep 5Liked by Hedley Rees

Yes! …and I would add - sorry James to jump on here - power/control - I think the plandemic was merely a step in the agenda towards total (unelected) world governance. Look at how they removed rights, pushed cashless, vaccine passports/digital ids, internet shopping, working from home etc etc etc

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Sep 5Liked by Hedley Rees

The lockdowns also served to slow down an overheating economy according to people like Catherine Austin Fitts in Planet Lockdown (think it's been banned everywhere so can't find link)

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Yes, that was key to the Bankers Bailout - which was first on their list of objectives for the Plandemic. Late 2019 the banking industry started wobbling and the Fed started injecting tens of billions per month to try and stabilize it - and the only way was a full bailout - which they'd been planning for decades, at least since the 2008 blow up - the 2007 CISA Jan pandemic preparedness plan actually states that the Banking and Finance Sector of the US were 'leading the way' with the pandemic planning and had their pandemic plan ready in January 2006 - which has been absolutely scrubbed from the net if it was ever there. I've searched high and low for it. But it's right there in the US governments own documents. The BANKERS BECAME PUBLIC HEALTH EXPERTS - Not!

What else works like a 'pandemic' - financial contagion.

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It was definitely planned but my position that hasn't changed is that even before this recent scamdemic that scientists haven't ever been able to prove viruses exist. Things often get reclassified. This is a big topic to get into for the uninitiated but the establishment and big pharma lack the evidence and science. I am almost 100% certain.


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Yes it was the NIAC Pandemic Plan but hosted by CISA.

I think if memory serves me rightly you'll find the comment on the bankers about page 54 - but just go to the start of the section on Essential Industries - meaning their industries. It's the leading sector.

Here's my original link


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Yes AC - that's the one at the bottom cisa.gov 2007 January.

That Principa Scientific is a great site - haven't visited it in ages.

It was all planned.

The history goes back decades before 2007 - 2007 was the culmination of years of planning.

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Just look at Gaza. Food, water, meds, fuel, strictly controlled, malnourished people, living in terrible conditions. No cease fire agreements until now. Why? To administer oral polio innoculation as one boy said to have contracted it! What happens when you give this oral (no longer used in west) potion to immunocompromised kids? The risk of vaccine induced polio is increased by 3,000%! Gates crippled 450k in India this way. Apart from deaths, being crippled means no job, not able to support a family even if you met someone who saw past your disability, so, it's all about population control AND making a $killing at same time. A win-win situation, Kissinger called it. Africa had low uptake of Covid injections, so now they are after them with mpox.

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On what basis do you think that the 'depopulation agenda' the 'Profit From Harms business model' and 'Rebooting the failing Big Pharma business model' not to mention 'Profiting from Death' are all mutually exclusive, and that it has to be one or the other.

They are all part of the same agenda.

The global cabal profits every step of the way.


The western elites, especially the British elites have been talking about depopulation since the British East India Company's tool Malthus published his fake theory on the limits of resources.

It is the western, (British), establishment who invented EUGENICS, and have been wringing their hands about 'overpopulation' for the last 175 years. They started the World Population Council, Planned Parenthood to kill off unborn babies, introduced the pill, built the Georgia Guidestones, invented Net Zero, the climate change hoax, and talked about overpopulation in endless books - especially those of the British elites. You could fill an ENCYCOPEDIA with the EVIDENCE. It is not a 'theory' - it's a FACT.

And it is always on the same theme - getting rid of the 'useless eaters' - which in fact are the bottom half of society that the western elites hate because they don't want their genocidal monopolistic oligarchical privileges challenged - which means their gigantic parasitic wealth extraction monopolies of the MONEY MONOPOLY and MONOPOLY CAPITALISM - the TRUE SOURCES OF INEQUALITY AND LACK OF ACCESS TO RESOURCES - that creates the POVERTY, and misery, and over consumption!!!!!


No matter which way you look at the western business models for the multinationals, in fact we could start with the era of the Roman legions colonization, which became the preferred business model of the Vatican, the Christian monarchy nations, and all nations that use, or have used, the Crown Monarchy Rule, which is the rule of oligarchy and a slavery system. And their dominant model of MONOPOLY CAPITALISM is Profit From Harms - some simple examples from the last few hundred years illustrates the points, but you could use it to explain the majority of wealth extraction mechanisms in place today.

-Wars = Military Industrial Complex

-Multinationals - From the time that companies like the British East India Company were licensed into existence their purpose was to wage war on the rest of the world, to steal land, nations, and resources - E.g. they extracted $45 trillion from India and reduced it from a rich prosperous nation with 25% of the worlds GDP to an impoverished shit-hole with 4%.

-Tobacco starting in the Virginian colony

-Opium sales and the Opium wars

-Coca-Cola - based on cocaine

-Big Pharma - 1853 Vaccination Act - mandated smallpox jabs for 46 years and built the industry

-Central Banks Cartel - the Money Monopoly's greatest weapon of wealth extraction


Big Pharma's Failing Model

You are right that Big Pharma's business model was failing - I think it was Goldman Sachs that released a report in about 2017 that said by 2020 the return on capital would be less than the cost of capital - meaning the industry was headed to bankruptcy.

The Big Pharma industry has been the biggest cash cow for the Roman Imperial Empire, the hidden deep state of the monarchies, bankers and billionaires, who run the Money Monopoly and global Monopoly Capitalism - and have pooled their membership into the Transnational Criminal Cartel called the World Economic Forum, where now we can see them all - and this industry has financed countless levels of corruption for nearly 170 years.

The COVID-19 lockdowns, mass jabbing and trillions of taxpayers dollars thrown at this industry since 2020 has REBOOTED IT - and in 2022 the industry made a RECORD $1.7 trillion, if memory serves me correctly, and no doubt the same in the years since.

They are rolling in money again, which is funding countless continuing programs of corruption.

Profiting From Death.

And the last step in the chain is profiting from DEATH. In the United States death is big business. SCI, Service Corporation International, one of the biggest, is all owned by the Institutional Investors that OWN EVERYTHING - BlackRock, Vanguard and State Street - in 2021 they made $803 million dollars profits on $4.4 billion turnover - RECORD PROFITS, and SCI operates in 20 nations on 5 continents!!!!

And I didn't even discuss the American, Chinese and German connection for the mRNA bioweapon poisons that DARPA deployed, not to mention the profits from multiple other angles, all profiting from harms, e.g. FACEMASKS -

So through the COVID-terrorism, the Great Lockdowns, and the Great Poisoning, the same actors have made trillions of dollars of profits through attacking mankind, every step of the way the cartel of global monopolists, which I call the IBFIC, the International Banking, Finance, and Investment Cartel, have PROFITED FROM THE DEATHS, DISABILITIES, & DISEASES they are spreading - every step of the way, and for those that are NOT YET DEAD, the harms they created have created new PROFIT CENTERS for years to come - and it is achieving their long term goals of REDUCING the population while at the same time TAKING ALL THE WEALTH off the herd!!!!!!

It's never been about money - when you print money for free but you use that money to create chaos, conflict, and catastrophe, then it is not about profit - it is about EVIL PSYCHOPATHY - these people HATE HUMANITY, are happy to kill people to profit, and want complete control.

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I am in awe at the scope and depth of your research here - thank you for such helpful comments. My scope is much narrower, as someone who has spent 40+ years working in the bowels of pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical supply chains, as both permanent employee and consultant. I have witnessed it crumble over those 4 decades to the pont where it has to commit fraud to make any money -all it does is pull the stings on contractors producing drugs for them. Neither parties care who they kill. I know personally many do this through consultancy dealings, especially GSK executives on both sides of the pond. That's the piece I want to add. thanks again, Hedley

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Yes I think it was/is a depopulation agenda. Why do I think that? Because they told us they were going to do it! One example is the Georgia Guidestones. Dr Dennis Meadows who wrote the Limits to Growth document for the Club of Rome is on video talking about the necessity for the reduction of the population. I have included this excerpt from his interview in my video at the bottom of my "Life of Prions" blog on my website https://naturalhealingsolutions.co.uk/blog/life-prion

I think they underestimated the adverse reactions to the LNPs that caused the immediate deaths soon after being jabbed, and I think they didn't realise the myocarditis/pericarditis effects either. I think the aim was to seed prions and other protein misfolding given the prion-promotion domain on the S1 subunit, and to induce auto-immune disease through synergy with other proteins such as syncytin-1 (which is why miscarriages and infertility is now a problem) to create chronic disease. I don't think the turbo-cancers happened by chance too. I think the aim was to have a period of plausible deniability between the jabs and the consequent deaths and for the deaths to be explainable by other means - cancer already high and rising, Alzheimer's/Parkinson's more common and rising, auto-immune on the rise already too.

As I said before, I think they want to reduce the population for easier control of a smaller surviving group and to reduce the numbers they expect to pay UBI to as transhumanism, AI and robotics takes over many jobs as predicted by the WEF. Most countries like the UK have already spent their pension pots and cannot afford an aging population who expect their pension having paid into the system throughout their working lives. They openly refer to such groups as "useless eaters" which reveals their true thoughts.

They also expect to make serious money on their venture too as they know people will require treatments and they know within which areas, apart from the jabs themselves of course.

It has all been planned, although maybe not going totally to script.

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Add in the interruption of any generational wealth transfer, many/most will now die, likely earlier than they would have, penniless after spending everything they have and more in an attempt to stay alive, leaving nothing but further debt to the next generation.

It certainly does seem to be a combo, depopulate yes, but also strip any and all remaining wealth from the ever smaller populace while doing so.

And of course, as mentioned by someone here, they have written and published their plans for all to see more than once. So weird no one will believe them.

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Some people correlate the population and economic prediction ( ie 2017 data with 2025) of Deagle made in 2020 ( later retracted or amended-still available on the internet archive) & suggest these should be looked at in the context of the various types of covid vaccines used around the globe. They conclude that the Vxxxcines were part of a longterm military operation to benefit The Belt and Road Countries. That really raises the Q whether China was using the US Covid orchestra- orthe other way round? ?

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The true instigators are the Rothschilds, the inbred worldwide Royal families & the ops are run out of Chatham House.

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indeed Diane - and their implementors are standing in full sight!!!

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